[PDF][PDF] Speech and gesture interaction in an ambient assisted living lab

D Anastasiou, C Jian, D Zhekova - … of the 1st Workshop on Speech …, 2012 - aclanthology.org
In this paper we describe our recent and future research on multimodal interaction in an
Ambient Assisted Living Lab. Our work combines two interaction modes, speech and …

Spatially-aware dialogue control using hierarchical reinforcement learning

H Cuayáhuitl, N Dethlefs - ACM Transactions on Speech and Language …, 2011 - dl.acm.org
This article addresses the problem of scalable optimization for spatially-aware dialogue
systems. These kinds of systems must perceive, reason, and act about the spatial …

[PDF][PDF] A Dialogue System for Indoor Wayfinding Using Text-Based Natural Language.

H Cuayáhuitl, N Dethlefs, KF Richter… - Int. J. Comput …, 2010 - bda-hull.github.io
We present a dialogue system that automatically generates indoor route instructions in
German when asked about locations, using text-based natural language input and output …

[PDF][PDF] Elaborate descriptive information in indoor route instructions

V Mast, C Jian, D Zhekova - Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of …, 2012 - escholarship.org
The following paper presents the enhancement of indoor route instructions with descriptive
generation strategies. We consider the latter to be highly important for the quality and …

Building multi-domain conversational systems from single domain resources

D Griol, JM Molina - Neurocomputing, 2018 - Elsevier
Current advances in the development of mobile and smart devices have generated a
growing demand for natural human-machine interaction and favored the intelligent assistant …

[KNYGA][B] Intuitive ontology authoring using controlled natural language

R Denaux - 2013 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
Ontologies have been proposed and studied in the last couple of decades as a way to
capture and share people's knowledge about the world in a way that is processable by …

Capturing dialogue state variable dependencies with an energy-based neural dialogue state tracker

AD Trinh, RJ Ross, JD Kelleher - 2019 - arrow.tudublin.ie
Dialogue state tracking requires the population and maintenance of a multi-slot frame
representation of the dialogue state. Frequently, dialogue state tracking systems assume …

Spoken dialogue systems: architectures and applications

JMO Fernández - 2017 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Technology and technological devices have become habitual and omnipresent. Humans
need to learn tocommunicate with all kind of devices. Until recently humans needed to learn …

Energy-based modelling for dialogue state tracking

AD Trinh, RJ Ross, JD Kelleher - 2019 - arrow.tudublin.ie
The uncertainties of language and the complexity of dialogue contexts make accurate
dialogue state tracking one of the more challenging aspects of dialogue processing. To …

Structured Dialogue State Management for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

AD Trinh - 2023 - arrow.tudublin.ie
Human-machine conversational agents have developed at a rapid pace in recent years,
bolstered through the application of advanced technologies such as deep learning. Today …