Autoimmune pre-disease
Approximately 5% of the world-wide population is affected by autoimmune diseases.
Overall, autoimmune diseases are still difficult to treat, impose a high burden on patients …
Overall, autoimmune diseases are still difficult to treat, impose a high burden on patients …
Metabolic characteristics of hashimoto's thyroiditis patients and the role of microelements and diet in the disease management—An overview
AA Mikulska, M Karaźniewicz-Łada… - International journal of …, 2022 -
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is the most common autoimmune disease and the leading
cause of hypothyroidism, in which damage to the thyroid gland occurs due to the infiltration …
cause of hypothyroidism, in which damage to the thyroid gland occurs due to the infiltration …
Mechanisms in endocrinology: autoimmune thyroid disease: old and new players
The last 10 years have seen some progress in understanding the etiology of autoimmune
thyroid disease (AITD). The female preponderance can now be explained–at least in part …
thyroid disease (AITD). The female preponderance can now be explained–at least in part …
The pathogenesis of Hashimoto's thyroiditis: further developments in our understanding
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is part of a spectrum of thyroid autoimmune conditions and this
review provides an update on the latest developments in the field. HT has a genetic …
review provides an update on the latest developments in the field. HT has a genetic …
[PDF][PDF] Clinical relevance of environmental factors in the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease
WM Wiersinga - Endocrinology and metabolism, 2016 -
Genetic factors contribute for about 70% to 80% and environmental factors for about 20% to
30% to the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Relatives of AITD patients …
30% to the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Relatives of AITD patients …
[ספר][B] Integrative Medicine, eBook: Integrative Medicine, eBook
DP Rakel, V Minichiello - 2022 -
Written by physicians who are experts in both traditional and complementary medicine,
Integrative Medicine, 5th Edition, uses a clinical, disease-oriented approach to safely and …
Integrative Medicine, 5th Edition, uses a clinical, disease-oriented approach to safely and …
[HTML][HTML] Graves' disease and mental disorders
A Fukao, J Takamatsu, T Arishima, M Tanaka… - Journal of clinical & …, 2020 - Elsevier
Mental disorders merge highly with thyroid diseases. Because of its regulatory effects on
serotonin and noradrenalin, T3 has been linked closely to depression and anxiety. It has …
serotonin and noradrenalin, T3 has been linked closely to depression and anxiety. It has …
Chronic stress predisposes to the aggravation of inflammation in autoimmune diseases with focus on rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis
The global incidence of autoimmune diseases is on the rise, and many healthcare
professionals believe that chronic stress plays a prominent role in both the aggravation and …
professionals believe that chronic stress plays a prominent role in both the aggravation and …
The immunopathogenesis of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis one century after hashimoto
Hakaru Hashimoto described 4 patients with a hitherto unknown cause for goitre, struma
lymphomatosa, a century ago. He was careful to distinguish this from Riedel thyroiditis but it …
lymphomatosa, a century ago. He was careful to distinguish this from Riedel thyroiditis but it …
Stress-related immune response and selenium status in autoimmune thyroid disease patients
Autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD), including Graves' disease (GD) or Hashimoto's
thyroiditis (HT), occurs due to genetic susceptibility and environmental factors, among which …
thyroiditis (HT), occurs due to genetic susceptibility and environmental factors, among which …