Grounded theory in software engineering research: a critical review and guidelines
Grounded Theory (GT) has proved an extremely useful research approach in several fields
including medical sociology, nursing, education and management theory. However, GT is a …
including medical sociology, nursing, education and management theory. However, GT is a …
Using grounded theory to study the experience of software development
Grounded Theory is a research method that generates theory from data and is useful for
understanding how people resolve problems that are of concern to them. Although the …
understanding how people resolve problems that are of concern to them. Although the …
AI and blockchain synergy in aerospace engineering: An impact survey on operational efficiency and technological challenges
This paper presents an exhaustive investigation into the potential of integrating blockchain
and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies within aerospace engineering, explicitly …
and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies within aerospace engineering, explicitly …
Using grounded theory to understand software process improvement: A study of Irish software product companies
Software process improvement (SPI) aims to understand the software process as it is used
within an organisation and thus drive the implementation of changes to that process to …
within an organisation and thus drive the implementation of changes to that process to …
AI-blockchain systems in aerospace engineering and management: Review and challenges
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technologies are increasingly used for various
industrial applications. AI offers self-learning capabilities that can be used to automate …
industrial applications. AI offers self-learning capabilities that can be used to automate …
An investigation into software development process formation in software start‐ups
Purpose–This paper reports on the results of an investigation into how the software
development process is initially established within software product start‐ups …
development process is initially established within software product start‐ups …
Internet banking acceptance in Malaysia based on the theory of reasoned action
The theory of reasoned action originally introduced in the field of Social Psychology has
been widely used to explain individuals' behaviour. The theory postulates that individuals' …
been widely used to explain individuals' behaviour. The theory postulates that individuals' …
Menavigasi Tantangan dan Krisis: Masa Kini dan Masa Depan Pendidikan Islam pada Abad 21
Pendidikan Islam menghadapi tantangan besar dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai agama
dengan ilmu pengetahuan modern di tengah perubahan sosial dan teknologi yang pesat …
dengan ilmu pengetahuan modern di tengah perubahan sosial dan teknologi yang pesat …
Ignoring" best practice": Why Irish software SMES are rejecting CMMI and ISO 9000
Abstract Software Process Improvement (SPI)" best practice" models such as ISO 9000 and
the Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) have been developed to assist software …
the Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) have been developed to assist software …
Using grounded theory coding mechanisms to analyze case study and focus group data in the context of software process research
The primary aim of this chapter is to outline a potentially powerful framework for the
combination of research approaches utilizing the Grounded Theory coding mechanism for …
combination of research approaches utilizing the Grounded Theory coding mechanism for …