Plant-based gums and mucilages applications in pharmacology and nanomedicine: a review
Gums are carbohydrate biomolecules that have the potential to bind water and form gels.
Gums are regularly linked with proteins and minerals in their construction. Gums have …
Gums are regularly linked with proteins and minerals in their construction. Gums have …
Arabinoxylan and rhamnogalacturonan mucilage: Outgoing and potential trends of pharmaceutical, environmental, and medicinal merits
Demand for safe, environmentally friendly and minimally processed food additives with
intrinsic technological (stabilizing, texturizing, structuring) and functional potential is already …
intrinsic technological (stabilizing, texturizing, structuring) and functional potential is already …
Structure, chemical modification, and functional applications of mucilage from Mimosa pudica seeds-A review
Mimosa pudica (MP) is an ornamental plant due to seismonastic movements that close
leaves and fall petioles in response to touch, wind, light, heat, cold, and vibration. The seeds …
leaves and fall petioles in response to touch, wind, light, heat, cold, and vibration. The seeds …
[PDF][PDF] Plantago ovata: A comprehensive review on cultivation, bio-chemical, pharmaceutical and pharmacological aspects
The basic aspire of current study was to review different aspects of Plantago ovata together
with its cultivation, growth, biochemistry, pharmaceutical and pharmacological attributes …
with its cultivation, growth, biochemistry, pharmaceutical and pharmacological attributes …
Development of Tizanidine HCl-Meloxicam loaded mucoadhesive buccal films: In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation
The purpose of the study was to develop Tizanidine HCl (TZN) and Meloxicam (MLX) loaded
bilayer mucoadhesive films intended for buccal administration, aiming to enhance the …
bilayer mucoadhesive films intended for buccal administration, aiming to enhance the …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of Laser Irradiation at 488, 514, 532, 552, 660, and 785 nm on the Aqueous Extracts of Plantago lanceolata L.: A Comparison on Chemical Content …
LC Pirvu, S Nita, N Rusu, C Bazdoaca, G Neagu… - Applied Sciences, 2022 -
Featured Application The use of monochrome laser radiation in extractive biotechnology to
enhance antioxidant activity. Abstract In this study, six laser radiation (488 nm/40 mW, 514 …
enhance antioxidant activity. Abstract In this study, six laser radiation (488 nm/40 mW, 514 …
Functionalization of arabinoxylan in chitosan based blends by periodate oxidation for drug release study
This article presents the isolation of arabinoxylan (AX) from Plantago ovata seed husk and
its oxidation using periodate to create oxidized‐AX (OAX) with distinct functionalities …
its oxidation using periodate to create oxidized‐AX (OAX) with distinct functionalities …
Phytochemical, biochemical and pharmacological properties of plantago ovata (ispaghula husk)–A review
The plantation, evolvement, phytochemical, pharmaceutical and pharmacological properties
of Plantago ovata have been reviewed to reconnoiter the plant's diverse properties. P. ovata …
of Plantago ovata have been reviewed to reconnoiter the plant's diverse properties. P. ovata …
Modified and unmodified arabinoxylans from Plantago ovata husk: Novel excipients with antimicrobial potential
Arabinoxylan is a polysaccharide of Plantago ovata, an indigenous plant of Pakistan and
several European countries. In the present investigation arabinoxylan isolated from P. ovata …
several European countries. In the present investigation arabinoxylan isolated from P. ovata …
Arabinoxylan-based mucoadhesive oral films of tizanidine HCL designed and optimized using central composite rotatable design
In the current study, a natural pharmaceutical excipient, arabinoxylan, was extracted from
ispaghula husk and used to develop controlled release of mucoadhesive oral films of …
ispaghula husk and used to develop controlled release of mucoadhesive oral films of …