Structural color from cellulose nanocrystals or chitin nanocrystals: self-assembly, optics, and applications
Widespread concerns over the impact of human activity on the environment have resulted in
a desire to replace artificial functional materials with naturally derived alternatives. As such …
a desire to replace artificial functional materials with naturally derived alternatives. As such …
A state-of-the-art review of experimental and computational studies of granular materials: Properties, advances, challenges, and future directions
P Tahmasebi - Progress in Materials Science, 2023 - Elsevier
Modeling of heterogeneous materials and media is a problem of fundamental importance to
a wide class of phenomena and systems, ranging from condensed matter physics, soft …
a wide class of phenomena and systems, ranging from condensed matter physics, soft …
The physics of jamming for granular materials: a review
Granular materials consist of macroscopic grains, interacting via contact forces, and
unaffected by thermal fluctuations. They are one of a class systems that undergo jamming, ie …
unaffected by thermal fluctuations. They are one of a class systems that undergo jamming, ie …
Fractal free energy landscapes in structural glasses
Glasses are amorphous solids whose constituent particles are caged by their neighbours
and thus cannot flow. This sluggishness is often ascribed to the free energy landscape …
and thus cannot flow. This sluggishness is often ascribed to the free energy landscape …
Glass and jamming transitions: From exact results to finite-dimensional descriptions
Despite decades of work, gaining a first-principles understanding of amorphous materials
remains an extremely challenging problem. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs have …
remains an extremely challenging problem. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs have …
Jamming transition as a paradigm to understand the loss landscape of deep neural networks
Deep learning has been immensely successful at a variety of tasks, ranging from
classification to artificial intelligence. Learning corresponds to fitting training data, which is …
classification to artificial intelligence. Learning corresponds to fitting training data, which is …
Edwards statistical mechanics for jammed granular matter
In 1989, Sir Sam Edwards made the visionary proposition to treat jammed granular materials
using a volume ensemble of equiprobable jammed states in analogy to thermal equilibrium …
using a volume ensemble of equiprobable jammed states in analogy to thermal equilibrium …
Perspective: Basic understanding of condensed phases of matter via packing models
S Torquato - The Journal of chemical physics, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
Packing problems have been a source of fascination for millennia and their study has
produced a rich literature that spans numerous disciplines. Investigations of hard-particle …
produced a rich literature that spans numerous disciplines. Investigations of hard-particle …
A geometrically controlled rigidity transition in a model for confluent 3D tissues
The origin of rigidity in disordered materials is an outstanding open problem in statistical
physics. Previously, a class of 2D cellular models has been shown to undergo a rigidity …
physics. Previously, a class of 2D cellular models has been shown to undergo a rigidity …
Marginal stability in structural, spin, and electron glasses
We revisit the concept of marginal stability in glasses and determine its range of applicability
in the context of an avalanche-type response to slow external driving. We argue that there is …
in the context of an avalanche-type response to slow external driving. We argue that there is …