Widespread prevalence of hypoxia and the classification of hypoxic conditions in the Laurentian Great Lakes
JM Tellier, NI Kalejs, BS Leonhardt, D Cannon… - Journal of Great Lakes …, 2022 - Elsevier
Aquatic hypoxia within the Laurentian Great Lakes has contributed to various adverse
ecological consequences and stimulated research interest in recent decades. An analysis of …
ecological consequences and stimulated research interest in recent decades. An analysis of …
[HTML][HTML] Challenge to lake ecosystems: changes in thermal structure triggered by climate change
Human activities, global warming, frequent extreme weather events, and changes in
atmospheric composition affect the solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface, affect mass …
atmospheric composition affect the solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface, affect mass …
[HTML][HTML] Can reductions in water residence time be used to disrupt seasonal stratification and control internal loading in a eutrophic monomictic lake?
Anthropogenic eutrophication caused by excess loading of nutrients, especially phosphorus
(P), from catchments is a major cause of lake water quality degradation. The release of P …
(P), from catchments is a major cause of lake water quality degradation. The release of P …
[HTML][HTML] Annual water residence time effects on thermal structure: A potential lake restoration measure?
Innovative methods to combat internal loading issues in eutrophic lakes are urgently needed
to speed recovery and restore systems within legislative deadlines. In stratifying lakes …
to speed recovery and restore systems within legislative deadlines. In stratifying lakes …
Interacting impacts of hydrological changes and air temperature warming on lake temperatures highlight the potential for adaptive management
Globally, climate warming is increasing air temperatures and changing river flows, but few
studies have explicitly considered the consequences for lake temperatures of these dual …
studies have explicitly considered the consequences for lake temperatures of these dual …
Ensemble of models shows coherent response of a reservoir's stratification and ice cover to climate warming
Water temperature, ice cover, and lake stratification are important physical properties of
lakes and reservoirs that control mixing as well as bio-geo-chemical processes and thus …
lakes and reservoirs that control mixing as well as bio-geo-chemical processes and thus …
Climate change impact on sub-tropical lakes–Lake Kinneret as a case study
Climate change is anticipated to alter lake ecosystems by affecting water quality, potentially
resulting in loss of ecosystem services. Subtropical lakes have high temperatures to begin …
resulting in loss of ecosystem services. Subtropical lakes have high temperatures to begin …
A case study of factors controlling water quality in two warm monomictic tropical reservoirs located in contrasting agricultural watersheds
MC Lopes, ALM Martins, MBL Simedo… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
The integration of internal (eg, stratification) and external (eg, pollution) factors on a
comprehensive assessment of reservoir water quality determines the success of ecosystem …
comprehensive assessment of reservoir water quality determines the success of ecosystem …
Large lake sluice operations during an extreme rainfall season greatly affect circulation and water quality dynamics of a shallow eutrophic lake
Z Peng, Y Zhang, J Zhu, W Hu, G Liu, H Zhang… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
Large hydraulic infrastructures have been constructed globally to address water challenges.
Past studies have well documented their effects on downstream aquatic ecosystems, which …
Past studies have well documented their effects on downstream aquatic ecosystems, which …
Future projections of water level and thermal regime changes of a multipurpose subtropical reservoir (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
The increase in global air temperatures as well as variability in rainfall shifts due to climate
change has been affecting the dynamics of water level fluctuations and thermal regimes in …
change has been affecting the dynamics of water level fluctuations and thermal regimes in …