Map** research on scientific creativity: A bibliometric review of the literature in the last 20 years

BK Prahani, IA Rizki, N Suprapto, I Irwanto… - Thinking Skills and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The main goal of this study is to use bibliometric methods to explore the scientific creativity
literature over the past two decades. The aim is to gain a deep understanding of how this …

The effect of 5E-based STEM education on academic achievement, scientific creativity, and views on the nature of science

S Eroğlu, O Bektaş - Learning and Individual Differences, 2022 - Elsevier
This study aims to investigate the effect 5E-based STEM learning strategies have on 9th-
grade students' academic achievement, scientific creativity, and views about the nature of …

HOTS student worksheet to identification of scientific creativity skill, critical thinking skill and creative thinking skill in physics learning

S Astutik, IK Mahardika - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2020 -
In the learning context of 21st century, teachers encounter many challenges in optimizing
the process and the outcome of learning. Students who have higher order thinking skills will …

Increasing students responsibility and scientific creativity through creative responsibility based learning

S Suyidno, E Susilowati, M Arifuddin… - Jurnal Penelitian …, 2019 -
Scientific creativity and responsibility are believed to be key factors for overcoming
increasingly complex real-life problems faced by students; but both competencies are not …

Innovative chemistry learning model: Improving the critical thinking skill and self-efficacy of pre-service chemistry teachers

R Rusmansyah, L Yuanita, M Ibrahim… - JOTSE: Journal of …, 2019 -
Pre-service chemistry teachers should have the 21st century competence such as critical
thinking skill. Unfortunately, the critical thinking skill dan self-efficacy level of Indonesian pre …

Efektivitas model OPPEMEI untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa

IGAT Agustiana, R Agustini… - Journal of Education …, 2020 -
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk peningkatan kreativitas dan hasil belajar mahasiswa pada mata
kuliah konsep dasar IPA di Jurusan PGSD, dengan menggunakan model baru …

[PDF][PDF] Implementation of project-based learning to enhance the creativity of prospective physics teachers in generating learning media viewed from cognitive styles

A Harjono, A Busyairi, S Prayogi - International …, 2024 -
Contribution/Originality: This study contributes to the field by highlighting the significant role
of cognitive styles, specifically FD and FI, in the context of implementing PjBL for Prospective …

[PDF][PDF] Management Challenges for Academic Improvement in Higher Education in The Digital Era

A Damayanto, BA Bangkara, AZ Abidin… - Nazhruna: Jurnal …, 2022 -
We believe that we can get relevant answers for this study by providing accurate data from
studies by field experts. We get supporting data from several thieves and electronically in …

Assessment on digitalization of basic physics courses: Need analysis on the use of digital-based assessment

N Nurlina, DH Marisda, R Riskawati… - Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 -
Assessment is essential to measure students' achievement of learning objectives.
Assessments in Basic physics courses are still categorized as manual, unstructured, and …

Effectiveness of local wisdom integrated (LWI) learning model to improve scientific communication skills of junior high school students in science learning

IN Dewi, M Ibrahim, S Poedjiastoeti… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 -
The previous research has been developed Local Wisdom Integrated (LWI) Learning Model
and has been declared that it is valid to improve problem solving skill, scientific …