Lamb waves-based technologies for structural health monitoring of composite structures for aircraft applications
The most common researched area of damage in a composite material such as carbon fibre
reinforced plastics (CFRP) used currently in aircraft construction is barely visible impact …
reinforced plastics (CFRP) used currently in aircraft construction is barely visible impact …
Recent progress in aircraft smart skin for structural health monitoring
Y Wang, S Hu, T **ong, Y Huang… - Structural Health …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Through the integration of advanced sensors, actuators, and micro-processors, aircraft smart
skin technology can improve the structural performance of aircraft and make them self …
skin technology can improve the structural performance of aircraft and make them self …
A stretchable and large-scale guided wave sensor network for aircraft smart skin of structural health monitoring
Y Wang, L Qiu, Y Luo, R Ding - Structural Health Monitoring, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
Aircraft smart skin technology requires the integration of large-scale, lightweight, and
integrative sensor networks with aircraft structural skin, but it is difficult to directly …
integrative sensor networks with aircraft structural skin, but it is difficult to directly …
Smart composite structures with embedded sensors for load and damage monitoring–a review
R Janeliukstis, D Mironovs - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2021 - Springer
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials are widely used in different branches of
industry, especially in aerospace, owing to their low mass, high strength and stiffness, and …
industry, especially in aerospace, owing to their low mass, high strength and stiffness, and …
A time reversal focusing based impact imaging method and its evaluation on complexcomposite structures
The growing use of composite structures in aerospace structures has attracted much interest
in structural health monitoring (SHM) for the localization of impact positions due to their poor …
in structural health monitoring (SHM) for the localization of impact positions due to their poor …
A piezoelectric sensor network with shared signal transmission wires for structural health monitoring of aircraft smart skin
Y Wang, L Qiu, Y Luo, R Ding, F Jiang - Mechanical systems and signal …, 2020 - Elsevier
Aircraft smart skin needs to integrate a large number of piezoelectric (PZT) elements and
wires for structural health monitoring (SHM), which not only add considerable weight to …
wires for structural health monitoring (SHM), which not only add considerable weight to …
A quantitative multidamage monitoring method for large-scale complex composite
Modern structures on aircraft make increasing use of large-scale composite structures.
Quantitative damage monitoring for composites, including damage occurrence, number …
Quantitative damage monitoring for composites, including damage occurrence, number …
A Bayesian fusion method for composite damage identification using Lamb wave
This study presents a novel method for composite damage identification using Lamb wave.
A probabilistic integration of the elliptical loci method and the RAPID (reconstruction …
A probabilistic integration of the elliptical loci method and the RAPID (reconstruction …
[HTML][HTML] Guided wave-convolutional neural network based fatigue crack diagnosis of aircraft structures
Fatigue crack diagnosis (FCD) is of great significance for ensuring safe operation,
prolonging service time and reducing maintenance cost in aircrafts and many other safety …
prolonging service time and reducing maintenance cost in aircrafts and many other safety …
On-line updating Gaussian mixture model for aircraft wing spar damage evaluation under time-varying boundary condition
Structural health monitoring technology for aerospace structures has gradually turned from
fundamental research to practical implementations. However, real aerospace structures …
fundamental research to practical implementations. However, real aerospace structures …