New expression for evaluating the mean crosstalk power in weakly-coupled multi-core fibers

AVT Cartaxo, JAP Morgado - Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021 -
A closed-form expression is proposed for evaluating the mean inter-core crosstalk (ICXT)
power in weakly-coupled multi-core fibers (WC-MCFs), with cores' propagation constants …

Outage probability due to intercore crosstalk in dual-core fiber links with direct-detection

JL Rebola, AVT Cartaxo, TMF Alves… - IEEE Photonics …, 2019 -
The outage probability (OP) in short-haul direct-detection (DD) optical links supported by
weakly-coupled multicore fiber (MCF) impaired by intercore crosstalk (ICXT) and using ON …

Stochastic properties and outage in crosstalk-impaired OOK-DD weakly-coupled MCF applications with low and high skew× bit-rate

TMF Alves, AVT Cartaxo… - IEEE Journal of Selected …, 2020 -
Intercore crosstalk (ICXT) impaired weakly-coupled multicore fiber (MCF) systems using on-
off keying (OOK) and direct-detection (DD) are experimentally assessed. The stochastic …

[PDF][PDF] 水下可见光通信关键技术综述

郭银景, 徐锋, 屈衍玺, 鲍建康, 吕文红 - Study On Optical …, 2020 -
水下可见光通信(UVLC) 作为水下无线通信技术的一个重要分支, 在海洋环境监测与水下军事
斗争等领域有着十分广泛的应用. 文章首先简单介绍了UVLC 的研究背景, 意义及难点 …

Analysis of inter-core crosstalk in weakly-coupled multi-core fiber coherent systems

BRP Pinheiro, JL Rebola, AVT Cartaxo - Journal of Lightwave …, 2021 -
The influence of the inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) on the performance of weakly-coupled multi-
core fiber (WC-MCF) systems with coherent detection and arbitrary inter-core skew is …

Probability distribution of intercore crosstalk in weakly coupled MCFs with multiple interferers

TMF Alves, ROJ Soeiro… - 2019 IEEE Photonics …, 2019 -
The statistical behavior of the intercore crosstalk (ICXT) power in weakly coupled multicore
fibers (MCFs) with multiple interfering cores is experimentally assessed. The histograms with …

Efficient channel model for homogeneous weakly coupled multicore fibers

L Gan, J Zhou, S Fu, M Tang… - IEEE Journal of Selected …, 2019 -
In recent years, several channel models for homogenous weakly coupled multicore fibers
(WC-MCFs) have been proposed. To model the intercore crosstalk (XT) accurately, the …

DD-OOK multicore fiber systems impaired by intercore crosstalk and laser phase noise

TMF Alves, AVT Cartaxo, JL Rebola - Journal of Lightwave …, 2022 -
Direct-detection on-off keying (DD-OOK) weakly-coupled multicore fiber (WC-MCF) systems
impaired by intercore crosstalk (ICXT) and laser phase noise are investigated numerically …

Assessment of the combined effect of laser phase noise and intercore crosstalk on the outage probability of DD OOK systems

JL Rebola, TMF Alves… - 2019 21st International …, 2019 -
We study the influence of the combined effect of laser phase noise and intercore crosstalk
on the outage probability of direct-detection 10 Gbit/s on-off keying optical communication …

Carrier beating impairment in weakly coupled multicore fiber-based IM/DD systems

J Zhao, L Gan, L Su, J Zhang, H He, W Cai… - IEEE …, 2020 -
Weakly coupled multicore fiber (WC-MCF) is promising for use in short-reach fiber
telecommunication systems in the near future. Intercore crosstalk (XT) plays an important …