State of the art in transfer functions for direct volume rendering
A central topic in scientific visualization is the transfer function (TF) for volume rendering.
The TF serves a fundamental role in translating scalar and multivariate data into color and …
The TF serves a fundamental role in translating scalar and multivariate data into color and …
[KNJIGA][B] Visual computing for medicine: theory, algorithms, and applications
Visual Computing for Medicine, Second Edition, offers cutting-edge visualization techniques
and their applications in medical diagnosis, education, and treatment. The book includes …
and their applications in medical diagnosis, education, and treatment. The book includes …
Differentiable direct volume rendering
We present a differentiable volume rendering solution that provides differentiability of all
continuous parameters of the volume rendering process. This differentiable renderer is used …
continuous parameters of the volume rendering process. This differentiable renderer is used …
Deep-learning-assisted volume visualization
HC Cheng, A Cardone, S Jain, E Krokos… - IEEE transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Designing volume visualizations showing various structures of interest is critical to the
exploratory analysis of volumetric data. The last few years have witnessed dramatic …
exploratory analysis of volumetric data. The last few years have witnessed dramatic …
Image-based TF colorization with CNN for direct volume rendering
S Kim, Y Jang, SE Kim - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the direct volume rendering (DVR), it often takes a long time for a novice to manipulate the
transfer function (TF) and analyze the volume data. To lessen the difficulty in volume …
transfer function (TF) and analyze the volume data. To lessen the difficulty in volume …
Volumetric feature-based classification and visibility analysis for transfer function design
B Ma, A Entezari - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Transfer function (TF) design is a central topic in direct volume rendering. The TF
fundamentally translates data values into optical properties to reveal relevant features …
fundamentally translates data values into optical properties to reveal relevant features …
Learning probabilistic transfer functions: A comparative study of classifiers
KP Soundararajan, T Schultz - Computer Graphics Forum, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Complex volume rendering tasks require high‐dimensional transfer functions, which are
notoriously difficult to design. One solution to this is to learn transfer functions from scribbles …
notoriously difficult to design. One solution to this is to learn transfer functions from scribbles …
FLDA: Latent dirichlet allocation based unsteady flow analysis
In this paper, we present a novel feature extraction approach called FLDA for unsteady flow
fields based on Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model. Analogous to topic modeling in text …
fields based on Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model. Analogous to topic modeling in text …
An intelligent system approach for probabilistic volume rendering using hierarchical 3D convolutional sparse coding
In this paper, we propose a novel machine learning-based voxel classification method for
highly-accurate volume rendering. Unlike conventional voxel classification methods that …
highly-accurate volume rendering. Unlike conventional voxel classification methods that …
Improving separability of structures with similar attributes in 2d transfer function design
The 2D transfer function based on scalar value and gradient magnitude (SG-TF) is popularly
used in volume rendering. However, it is plagued by the boundary-overlap** problem …
used in volume rendering. However, it is plagued by the boundary-overlap** problem …