Faith and understanding: Specifying the impact of higher education on religious belief

JP Hill - Journal for the scientific study of religion, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines the impact of educational enrollment and attainment on several
measures of religious belief using nationally representative panel data. Although college …

[Књига][B] Morals not knowledge

JH Evans - 2018 -
Names: Evans, John Hyde, 1965-author. Title: Morals not knowledge: recasting the
contemporary US conflict between religion and science/John H. Evans. Description …

Science demands explanation, religion tolerates mystery

EG Liquin, SE Metz, T Lombrozo - Cognition, 2020 - Elsevier
Some claims (eg, that the Earth goes around the Sun) seem to call out for explanation: they
make us wonder “why?”. For other claims (eg, that God exists), one might accept that the …

The growing social and moral conflict between conservative Protestantism and science

JH Evans - Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Due to conservative Protestant elites challenging scientists in the public sphere, and
prominent scientists attacking religion, scholars have claimed that there is an increasing …

Public perceptions of incompatibility between “science and religion”

JO Baker - Public Understanding of Science, 2012 -
Narratives of conflict regarding the connections between science and religion receive
considerable attention in multiple forums of public discourse. These discussions tend to …

The effect of religious‐based mentoring on educational attainment: More than just a spiritual high?

LD Erickson, JW Phillips - Journal for the Scientific Study of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Although research has found a positive relationship between various forms of adolescent
religious involvement and educational outcomes, little research has examined connections …

Conflicting or Compatible: Beliefs About Religion and Science Among Emerging Adults in the United States1

KC Longest, C Smith - Sociological Forum, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
A wide‐held assumption is that increased religiousness is associated with stronger
perceptions of a conflict between religion and science. This article examines this assumption …

College students' appreciative attitudes toward atheists

NA Bowman, AN Rockenbach, MJ Mayhew… - Research in Higher …, 2017 - Springer
Atheists are often marginalized in discussions of religious and spiritual pluralism on college
campuses and beyond. As with other minority worldview groups, atheists face challenges …

Religion, partisanship, and attitudes toward science policy

TG Jelen, LA Lockett - Sage Open, 2014 -
We examine issues involving science which have been contested in recent public debate.
These “contested science” issues include human evolution, stem-cell research, and climate …

Faith and science mindsets as predictors of COVID-19 concern: A three-wave longitudinal study

KA Johnson, AN Baraldi, JW Moon, MA Okun… - Journal of Experimental …, 2021 - Elsevier
The COVID-19 pandemic allowed for a naturalistic, longitudinal investigation of the
relationship between faith and science mindsets and concern about COVID-19. Our goal …