Faith and understanding: Specifying the impact of higher education on religious belief
JP Hill - Journal for the scientific study of religion, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines the impact of educational enrollment and attainment on several
measures of religious belief using nationally representative panel data. Although college …
measures of religious belief using nationally representative panel data. Although college …
[Књига][B] Morals not knowledge
JH Evans - 2018 - luminosoa.org
Names: Evans, John Hyde, 1965-author. Title: Morals not knowledge: recasting the
contemporary US conflict between religion and science/John H. Evans. Description …
contemporary US conflict between religion and science/John H. Evans. Description …
Science demands explanation, religion tolerates mystery
Some claims (eg, that the Earth goes around the Sun) seem to call out for explanation: they
make us wonder “why?”. For other claims (eg, that God exists), one might accept that the …
make us wonder “why?”. For other claims (eg, that God exists), one might accept that the …
The growing social and moral conflict between conservative Protestantism and science
JH Evans - Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Due to conservative Protestant elites challenging scientists in the public sphere, and
prominent scientists attacking religion, scholars have claimed that there is an increasing …
prominent scientists attacking religion, scholars have claimed that there is an increasing …
Public perceptions of incompatibility between “science and religion”
JO Baker - Public Understanding of Science, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
Narratives of conflict regarding the connections between science and religion receive
considerable attention in multiple forums of public discourse. These discussions tend to …
considerable attention in multiple forums of public discourse. These discussions tend to …
The effect of religious‐based mentoring on educational attainment: More than just a spiritual high?
LD Erickson, JW Phillips - Journal for the Scientific Study of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Although research has found a positive relationship between various forms of adolescent
religious involvement and educational outcomes, little research has examined connections …
religious involvement and educational outcomes, little research has examined connections …
Conflicting or Compatible: Beliefs About Religion and Science Among Emerging Adults in the United States1
KC Longest, C Smith - Sociological Forum, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
A wide‐held assumption is that increased religiousness is associated with stronger
perceptions of a conflict between religion and science. This article examines this assumption …
perceptions of a conflict between religion and science. This article examines this assumption …
College students' appreciative attitudes toward atheists
Atheists are often marginalized in discussions of religious and spiritual pluralism on college
campuses and beyond. As with other minority worldview groups, atheists face challenges …
campuses and beyond. As with other minority worldview groups, atheists face challenges …
Religion, partisanship, and attitudes toward science policy
TG Jelen, LA Lockett - Sage Open, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
We examine issues involving science which have been contested in recent public debate.
These “contested science” issues include human evolution, stem-cell research, and climate …
These “contested science” issues include human evolution, stem-cell research, and climate …
Faith and science mindsets as predictors of COVID-19 concern: A three-wave longitudinal study
The COVID-19 pandemic allowed for a naturalistic, longitudinal investigation of the
relationship between faith and science mindsets and concern about COVID-19. Our goal …
relationship between faith and science mindsets and concern about COVID-19. Our goal …