Promoting replicability in developmental research through meta‐analyses: Insights from language acquisition research
Previous work suggests that key factors for replicability, a necessary feature for theory
building, include statistical power and appropriate research planning. These factors are …
building, include statistical power and appropriate research planning. These factors are …
A toolkit for measuring early childhood development in low and middle-income countries
The Toolkit provides a practical,“how-to” guide for selection and adaptation of child
development measurements for use in low-and middle-income countries. Users can follow …
development measurements for use in low-and middle-income countries. Users can follow …
Parental reports on touch screen use in early childhood
Touch screens are increasingly prevalent, and anecdotal evidence suggests that young
children are very drawn towards them. Yet there is little data regarding how young children …
children are very drawn towards them. Yet there is little data regarding how young children …
DevBench: A multimodal developmental benchmark for language learning
How (dis) similar are the learning trajectories of vision–language models and children?
Recent modeling work has attempted to understand the gap between models' and humans' …
Recent modeling work has attempted to understand the gap between models' and humans' …
Analysing moderators and critical factors that affect early childhood education with the usage of touchscreen contrivances: A hybrid fuzzy AHP—fuzzy TOPSIS …
Context In the children's education process, not only children but parents, educators, and
teachers are using touchscreen technology-enabled contrivances for better quality of life …
teachers are using touchscreen technology-enabled contrivances for better quality of life …
[HTML][HTML] The role of developmental change and linguistic experience in the mutual exclusivity effect
Given a novel word and a familiar and a novel referent, children have a bias to assume the
novel word refers to the novel referent. This bias–often referred to as “Mutual …
novel word refers to the novel referent. This bias–often referred to as “Mutual …
Toddlers' interventions toward fair and unfair individuals
Cooperative societies rely on reward and punishment for norm enforcement. We examined
the developmental origin of these interventions in the context of distributive fairness: past …
the developmental origin of these interventions in the context of distributive fairness: past …
A global perspective on testing infants online: Introducing ManyBabies-AtHome
Online testing holds great promise for infant scientists. It could increase participant diversity,
improve reproducibility and collaborative possibilities, and reduce costs for researchers and …
improve reproducibility and collaborative possibilities, and reduce costs for researchers and …
Can we measure individual differences in cognitive measures reliably via smartphones? A comparison of the flanker effect across device types and samples
Research deployed via the internet and administered via smartphones could have access to
more diverse samples than lab-based research. Diverse samples could have relatively high …
more diverse samples than lab-based research. Diverse samples could have relatively high …
Comparing face-to-face and online data collection methods in preterm and full-term children: An exploratory study
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the landscape for children's daily lives and the
landscape for developmental psychology research. Pandemic-related restrictions have also …
landscape for developmental psychology research. Pandemic-related restrictions have also …