The reorienting system of the human brain: from environment to theory of mind

M Corbetta, G Patel, GL Shulman - Neuron, 2008 -
Survival can depend on the ability to change a current course of action to respond to
potentially advantageous or threatening stimuli. This" reorienting" response involves the …

The frontoparietal attention network of the human brain: action, saliency, and a priority map of the environment

R Ptak - The Neuroscientist, 2012 -
The dorsal convexity of the human frontal and parietal lobes forms a network that is crucially
involved in the selection of sensory contents by attention. This network comprehends cortex …

Common behavioral clusters and subcortical anatomy in stroke

M Corbetta, L Ramsey, A Callejas, A Baldassarre… - Neuron, 2015 -
A long-held view is that stroke causes many distinct neurological syndromes due to damage
of specialized cortical and subcortical centers. However, it is unknown if a syndrome-based …

Age-specific CT and MRI templates for spatial normalization

C Rorden, L Bonilha, J Fridriksson, B Bender… - Neuroimage, 2012 - Elsevier
Spatial normalization reshapes an individual's brain to match the shape and size of a
template image. This is a crucial step required for group-level statistical analyses. The most …

A lateralized brain network for visuo-spatial attention

M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Dell'Acqua, S Forkel… - Nature …, 2011 -
Looking for a friend in the crowd, avoiding a sudden danger or contemplating a work of art
are some examples of actions based on the efficiency of our visuo-spatial attention system …

[CARTE][B] Cognitive psychology

RJ Sternberg, K Sternberg - 2006 -
Pity the poor textbook writer. I suspect that a common motivation for writing textbooks is the
dissatisfaction with existing textbooks, yet having embarked upon writing one's own then …

Perception of verticality and vestibular disorders of balance and falls

M Dieterich, T Brandt - Frontiers in neurology, 2019 -
Objective: To review current knowledge of the perception of verticality, its normal function
and disorders. This is based on an integrative graviceptive input from the vertical …

Improving lesion-symptom map**

C Rorden, HO Karnath, L Bonilha - Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2007 -
Measures of brain activation (eg, changes in scalp electrical potentials) have become the
most popular method for inferring brain function. However, examining brain disruption (eg …

Human brain lesion-deficit inference remapped

YH Mah, M Husain, G Rees, P Nachev - Brain, 2014 -
Our knowledge of the anatomical organization of the human brain in health and disease
draws heavily on the study of patients with focal brain lesions. Historically the first method of …

Interactions between number and space in parietal cortex

EM Hubbard, M Piazza, P Pinel… - Nature reviews …, 2005 -
Since the time of Pythagoras, numerical and spatial representations have been inextricably
linked. We suggest that the relationship between the two is deeply rooted in the brain's …