Extending the UTAUT2 model with a privacy calculus model to enhance the adoption of a health information application in Malaysia

I Bile Hassan, MAA Murad, I El-Shekeil, J Liu - Informatics, 2022‏ - mdpi.com
This study validates and extends the latest unified theory of acceptance and use of
technology (UTAUT2) with the privacy calculus model. To evaluate the adoption of …

Consumer characteristics and the use of social networking sites: A comparison between Korea and the US

C Park, J Jun, T Lee - International Marketing Review, 2015‏ - emerald.com
Purpose–This study examined the antecedents and consequences of intensity of SNS use in
a cross-cultural context. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of three IT …

Mobile e-Services: State of the art, focus areas, and future directions

D Johansson, K Andersson - International Journal of E-Services and …, 2015‏ - igi-global.com
E-services are services delivered over the Internet. Such services have different properties
and dimensions, eg targeting different sectors, being accessible through different channels …

The moderating roles of gender and age in tablet computer adoption

WM Hur, H Kim, WM Kim - Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social …, 2014‏ - liebertpub.com
This study aims to examine the relationship between perceived usefulness, ease of use, and
enjoyment and attitude toward tablet computers, and between social influence and use …

Measuring mobile telecom service innovativeness among youth: an application of domain-specific innovativeness scale

L Jasrai - Paradigm, 2014‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Consumer innovativeness is highly acknowledged by marketers for successful diffusion of
innovation with the aim to make business more profitable and competitive. The present study …

[HTML][HTML] ¿ Qué factores fomentan la compra por impulso en el comercio móvil?

S San Martín, J Prodanova - … Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, 2014‏ - Elsevier
El comercio móvil en España está en un estado incipiente y es un medio que se puede
caracterizar por la impulsividad en las compras, por lo que resulta interesante analizar …

Why travellers share information online: a model of trust, innovativeness and loyalty in Generation Y travellers

A Sukhu, A Bilgihan - International Journal of Services …, 2014‏ - inderscienceonline.com
Online social network (OSN) websites are increasingly gaining attention from both
researchers and practitioners as more and more people use OSN websites to express their …

Exploration of location-based services adoption

B McKenna, T Tuunanen, LA Gardner - International Journal of E …, 2014‏ - igi-global.com
The purpose of this paper is to explore aspects of user perceptions of their use of location-
based services. As mobile technologies become more ubiquitous in the general population …

Investigating UKZN students' adoption and utilisation of personal cloud technologies

E Adam, C Blewett, J Wassermann - South African Journal of Higher …, 2015‏ - journals.co.za
The personal cloud is a rapidly emerging technology with applications in both the personal
and education domains. Despite the rapid emergence of the personal cloud, there exists …

A study on the intention to provide personal information by type of big data services

S Jung - Journal of Information Technology Applications and …, 2022‏ - koreascience.kr
Recently, big data services have been used in various fields. In this situation, this research
studied the intention to provide personal information from users, which is necessary to …