The development of computational thinking in a high school chemistry course

PS Matsumoto, J Cao - Journal of Chemical Education, 2017 - ACS Publications
Computational thinking is a component of the Science and Engineering Practices in the Next
Generation Science Standards, which were adopted by some states. We describe the …

Streamline performance of Excel in stepwise implementation of numerical solutions

M Niazkar, SH Afzali - Computer Applications in Engineering …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Excel spreadsheet not only provides useful facilities to solve various kinds of engineering
problems, but also can be simply utilized to enhance the curriculum of engineering courses …

Authentic science experiences with STEM datasets: Post-secondary results and potential gender influences

AC Schwortz, AC Burrows - Research in Science & Technological …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Background: Dataset skills are used in STEM fields from astronomy to zoology. Few fields
explicitly teach students the skills to analyze datasets, and yet the increasing push for …

A spreadsheet‐based tool for education of chemical process simulation and control fundamentals

I Nachtigalova, J Finkeova, Z Krbcova… - Computer …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract This paper describes Process Simulation and Control (PSIC), a user‐friendly Excel
add‐in application, for studying process dynamics and designing simple control systems …

Teaching sprinkler irrigation engineering by a spreadsheet tool

C Bautista-Capetillo, CO Robles Rovelo… - Water, 2023 -
Since being released 40 years ago, computer spreadsheets have proven to be worthwhile
for use in educational contexts. There is plenty of evidence for this in practically every …

Spreadsheets: The ideal tool for distance learning in engineering education

KE Kanyarusoke, J Uziak - Computer Applications in …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Formal Engineering Education has traditionally been delivered using the low
technology—high touch lecturing method, in which the lecturer and student meet face to …

Spreadsheet-based control system analysis and design [Focus on Education]

N Aliane - IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2008 -
In this article, we use Microsoft Excel as an alternative platform for develo** interactive
learning tools for control education. Modern spreadsheets include a macro language that …

Usage of an Excel Spreadsheet for a Thermal Endurance Test Report

RK Tan, K Önder, F Yerişenoğlu… - European Journal of …, 2023 -
Power cables are one of the important parts of electrical power systems. It is important to
know the materials that make up the cable or what the life of the cable will be at a given …

Excel で学ぶ流体力学

森下悦生 - 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 2005 -
表計算はほとんどのパソコンに搭載されていて, 簡単な計算や事務処理に幅広く利用されている.
ワープロソフトとともに最も頻繁に活用されるソフトであり, その利便性は衆目の一致するところである …