Are groups more rational than individuals? A review of interactive decision making in groups
Many decisions are interactive; the outcome of one party depends not only on its decisions
or on acts of nature but also on the decisions of others. Standard game theory assumes that …
or on acts of nature but also on the decisions of others. Standard game theory assumes that …
[HTML][HTML] Sex differences in trust and trustworthiness: A meta-analysis of the trust game and the gift-exchange game
We present a meta-analytic review of the literature on sex differences in the trust game (174
effect sizes) and the related gift-exchange game (35 effect sizes). Based on parental …
effect sizes) and the related gift-exchange game (35 effect sizes). Based on parental …
Trust between individuals and groups: Groups are less trusting than individuals but just as trustworthy
We compare the behavior of groups and individuals in a two-person trust game. The first
mover in this game, the sender, receives an endowment and can send any part of it to the …
mover in this game, the sender, receives an endowment and can send any part of it to the …
Group polarization in the team dictator game reconsidered
While most papers on team decision-making find that teams behave more selfishly, less
trustingly and less altruistically than individuals, Cason and Mui (1997) report that teams are …
trustingly and less altruistically than individuals, Cason and Mui (1997) report that teams are …
The hidden advantage of delegation: Pareto improvements in a gift exchange game
This paper analyzes the effect on performance and earnings of delegating the wage choice
to employees. Our results show that such delegation significantly increases effort levels …
to employees. Our results show that such delegation significantly increases effort levels …
Communication, cooperation and collusion in team tournaments—an experimental study
M Sutter, C Strassmair - Games and Economic Behavior, 2009 - Elsevier
We study the effects of communication in an experimental tournament between teams. When
teams, rather than individuals, compete for a prize there is a need for intra-team coordination …
teams, rather than individuals, compete for a prize there is a need for intra-team coordination …
Community participation in heritage tourism planning: is it too much to ask?
M Dragouni, K Fouseki… - Journal of Sustainable …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Considering the complications of collecting empirical data on community participation, this
study proposes a new methodological approach that departs from the current literature. For …
study proposes a new methodological approach that departs from the current literature. For …
How individual preferences are aggregated in groups: An experimental study
This paper experimentally investigates how individual preferences, through unrestricted
deliberation, are aggregated into a group decision in two contexts: reciprocating gifts and …
deliberation, are aggregated into a group decision in two contexts: reciprocating gifts and …
The tragedy of the commons revisited: The importance of group decision-making
We use a laboratory experiment to compare the way groups and individuals behave in an
inter-temporal common pool dilemma. The experimental design distinguishes between a …
inter-temporal common pool dilemma. The experimental design distinguishes between a …
How groups differ from individuals in learning from experience: evidence from a contest platform
We examine how groups differ from individuals in how they tackle two fundamental trade-
offs in learning from experience—namely, between exploration and exploitation and …
offs in learning from experience—namely, between exploration and exploitation and …