Earlier seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon in the mid-Pliocene

L He, T Zhou, X Chen, M Zuo, L Zou - Journal of Climate, 2024 - journals.ametsoc.org
Abstract The mid-Pliocene (∼ 3.3–3 million years ago) has been considered as a potential
analog for future climate, but the seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon …

Zonal Indian Ocean Variability Drives Millennial‐Scale Precipitation Changes in Northern Madagascar

BH Tiger, S Burns, RR Dawson… - Paleoceanography …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The low latitude Indian Ocean is warming faster than other tropical basins, and its
interannual climate variability is projected to become more extreme under future emissions …

Meridional Migrations Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone During The Last Deglaciation In The Timor Sea Detected By Extensive Radiocarbon Dating

K Nemoto, Y Yokoyama, S Horiike, SP Obrochta… - …, 2024 - cambridge.org
At the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the northern and southern Tradewinds
converge, and this region is characterized by low atmospheric pressure and high …

Links between precipitation patterns over eastern tropical South America and productivity in the western tropical South Atlantic Ocean during the last deglacial

AK Martins, KGD Kochhann, CM Chiessi… - Quaternary …, 2023 - Elsevier
The possibility of a collapse (or marked weakening) of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation (AMOC) within a few centuries boosted the interest of the scientific community on …

The role of Southeast Asian Island topography on Indo‐Pacific climate and silicate weathering

JCH Chiang, P Maffre… - Paleoceanography …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The geography of the Southeast Asian Islands (SEAI) has changed over the last 15 million
years, as a result of tectonic processes contributing to both increased land area and high …

Evaluating Changes in High Altitude Temperature and Atmospheric Circulation During the Last Deglaciation Using Clumped Isotopic Composition of Oxygen in Polar …

A Banerjee - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The last deglacial period, spanning 21,000 to 10,000 years before present, has been
studied extensively to quantify Earth system responses to changes in climate forcing like …