Earlier seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon in the mid-Pliocene
Abstract The mid-Pliocene (∼ 3.3–3 million years ago) has been considered as a potential
analog for future climate, but the seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon …
analog for future climate, but the seasonal march of the East Asian summer monsoon …
Zonal Indian Ocean Variability Drives Millennial‐Scale Precipitation Changes in Northern Madagascar
Abstract The low latitude Indian Ocean is warming faster than other tropical basins, and its
interannual climate variability is projected to become more extreme under future emissions …
interannual climate variability is projected to become more extreme under future emissions …
Meridional Migrations Of The Intertropical Convergence Zone During The Last Deglaciation In The Timor Sea Detected By Extensive Radiocarbon Dating
At the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the northern and southern Tradewinds
converge, and this region is characterized by low atmospheric pressure and high …
converge, and this region is characterized by low atmospheric pressure and high …
Links between precipitation patterns over eastern tropical South America and productivity in the western tropical South Atlantic Ocean during the last deglacial
The possibility of a collapse (or marked weakening) of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation (AMOC) within a few centuries boosted the interest of the scientific community on …
Circulation (AMOC) within a few centuries boosted the interest of the scientific community on …
The role of Southeast Asian Island topography on Indo‐Pacific climate and silicate weathering
The geography of the Southeast Asian Islands (SEAI) has changed over the last 15 million
years, as a result of tectonic processes contributing to both increased land area and high …
years, as a result of tectonic processes contributing to both increased land area and high …
Evaluating Changes in High Altitude Temperature and Atmospheric Circulation During the Last Deglaciation Using Clumped Isotopic Composition of Oxygen in Polar …
A Banerjee - 2023 - search.proquest.com
The last deglacial period, spanning 21,000 to 10,000 years before present, has been
studied extensively to quantify Earth system responses to changes in climate forcing like …
studied extensively to quantify Earth system responses to changes in climate forcing like …