[PDF][PDF] Content-based image retrieval: theory and applications.
Advances in data storage and image acquisition technologies have enabled the creation of
large image datasets. In this scenario, it is necessary to develop appropriate information …
large image datasets. In this scenario, it is necessary to develop appropriate information …
Boosting the performance of the BoVW model using SURF–CoHOG-based sparse features with relevance feedback for CBIR
The content-based image retrieval (CBIR) based on sparse visual features is a challenging
research problem to categorize images into semantically meaningful classes. Different …
research problem to categorize images into semantically meaningful classes. Different …
Texture-based palmprint retrieval using a layered search scheme for personal identification
This paper presents a new approach to palmprint retrieval for personal identification. Three
key issues in image retrieval are considered: feature extraction, similarity measurement and …
key issues in image retrieval are considered: feature extraction, similarity measurement and …
An integrated content and metadata based retrieval system for art
A new approach to image retrieval is presented in the domain of museum and gallery image
collections. Specialist algorithms, developed to address specific retrieval tasks, are …
collections. Specialist algorithms, developed to address specific retrieval tasks, are …
Unsupervised Transformer Balanced Hashing for Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
For remote sensing (RS) image retrieval task, hashing technology have been extensively
researched in recent works. Unsupervised hashing approaches have attracted much …
researched in recent works. Unsupervised hashing approaches have attracted much …
[PDF][PDF] Spatialization
Researchers engaged in geographic information science are generally concerned with
conceptualizing, analyzing, modeling, and depicting geographic phenomena and processes …
conceptualizing, analyzing, modeling, and depicting geographic phenomena and processes …
A digital library framework for biodiversity information systems
Abstract Biodiversity Information Systems (BISs) involve all kinds of heterogeneous data,
which include ecological and geographical features. However, available information …
which include ecological and geographical features. However, available information …
DarwinGSE: Towards better image retrieval systems for intellectual property datasets
A trademark's image is usually the first type of indirect contact between a consumer and a
product or a service. Companies rely on graphical trademarks as a symbol of quality and …
product or a service. Companies rely on graphical trademarks as a symbol of quality and …
System for infectious disease information sharing and analysis: design and evaluation
Motivated by the importance of infectious disease informatics (IDI) and the challenges to IDI
system development and data sharing, we design and implement BioPortal, a Web-based …
system development and data sharing, we design and implement BioPortal, a Web-based …
Clasificación no supervisada con imágenes a color de cobertura terrestre
La cobertura terrestre es un elemento geográfico que constituye la base de referencia para
diversas aplicaciones relacionadas con la planificación del uso de los recursos naturales, la …
diversas aplicaciones relacionadas con la planificación del uso de los recursos naturales, la …