Shear wave velocity as a geotechnical parameter: an overview

MN Hussien, M Karray - Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2015 -
Shear wave velocity, V s, is a soil mechanical property that can be advantageously
measured in both the field and laboratory under real and controlled conditions. The …

[PDF][PDF] Principles of geotechnical engineering

BM Das, K Sobhan - 1990 -
Cengage Learning has provided you with this product (the “Supplement”) for your review
and, to the extent that you adopt the associated textbook for use in connection with your …

[KNYGA][B] Advanced soil mechanics

BM Das - 2019 -
Now in its fifth edition, this classic textbook continues to offer a well-tailored resource for
beginning graduate students in geotechnical engineering. Further develo** the basic …

Maximum and minimum void ratio characteristics of sands

M Cubrinovski, K Ishihara - Soils and foundations, 2002 -
抄録 Characteristics of the maximum and minimum void ratios of sands and their possible
use for material characterization have been investigated in this study. Data of over 300 …

A unified formula for small-strain shear modulus of sandy soils based on extreme void ratios

K Liang, G Chen, X Du, C Xu, J Yang - Journal of Geotechnical and …, 2023 -
Small-strain shear modulus (G 0) is a fundamental property required in dynamic analyses.
For sandy soils, G 0 may be affected strongly by particle characteristics such as uniformity …

High overburden stress effects in liquefaction analyses

RW Boulanger - Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental …, 2003 -
A reevaluation is presented of two factors that can strongly affect the estimation of
liquefaction resistance for clean sands under high effective overburden stresses (σ v′): the …

Influence of roundness on the void ratio and strength of uniform sand

PC Rousé, RJ Fannin, DA Shuttle - Géotechnique, 2008 -
∑ ri/N ð Þ rmax (1) where N is the number of features examined. The first attempt to classify
soil grains by means of roundness is attributed to Russell & Taylor (1937). From visual …

Liquefaction resistance and small strain stiffness of silty sand: Effects of host sand gradation and fines content

X Gu, K Zuo, C Hu, J Hu - Engineering Geology, 2024 - Elsevier
In this paper, a well designed experimental study comprising undrained cyclic triaxial and
bender element tests was carried out on five sand-silt mixtures with three grain size ratios (R …

[PDF][PDF] Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center

KM Mosalam, A Kasalanati… - … of California, Berkeley, 2006 -
An accurate evaluation of the structural performance of reinforced concrete structural
systems under seismic loading requires a probabilistic approach due to uncertainties in …

Strain energy based evaluation of liquefaction and residual pore water pressure in sands using cyclic torsional shear experiments

Y Jafarian, I Towhata, MH Baziar, A Noorzad… - Soil Dynamics and …, 2012 - Elsevier
In this study, cyclic hollow cylinder torsional tests were conducted on the reconstituted
specimens of Toyoura sand in a practical range of initial density and stress states. The …