[PDF][PDF] Sharing versus pseudo-sharing in Web 2.0

R Belk - The anthropologist, 2014 - researchgate.net
The Internet has opened up a new era in sharing. There has also been an explosion of
studies and writings about sharing via the Internet. This includes a series of books, articles …

Marketing in computer-mediated environments: Research synthesis and new directions

MS Yadav, PA Pavlou - Journal of Marketing, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Although an extensive body of research has emerged on marketing in computer-mediated
environments, the literature remains fragmented. As a result, insights and findings have …

Marketing in the sharing economy

GM Eckhardt, MB Houston, B Jiang… - Journal of …, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
The last decade has seen the emergence of the sharing economy as well as the rise of a
diverse array of research on this topic both inside and outside the marketing discipline …

Collaborative consumption: determinants of satisfaction and the likelihood of using a sharing economy option again

M Möhlmann - Journal of consumer behaviour, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Collaborative consumption, often associated with the sharing economy, takes place in
organized systems or networks, in which participants conduct sharing activities in the form of …

The sharing economy: Your business model's friend or foe?

W Kathan, K Matzler, V Veider - Business horizons, 2016 - Elsevier
The sharing economy, a rising pattern in consumption behavior that is based on accessing
and reusing products to utilize idle capacity, presents both tremendous possibilities and …

Influencer marketing: brand control, commercial orientation and post credibility

FJ Martínez-López, R Anaya-Sánchez… - Journal of marketing …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Leveraging social media influencers allows companies to provide information on their
products in a more social and interactive way. Yet, scholarly research on the implications of …

You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online

R Belk - Journal of business research, 2014 - Elsevier
Sharing is a phenomenon as old as humankind, while collaborative consumption and the
“sharing economy” are phenomena born of the Internet age. This paper compares sharing …

The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption

J Hamari, M Sjöklint, A Ukkonen - Journal of the association for …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have enabled the rise of so‐called
“Collaborative Consumption”(CC): the peer‐to‐peer‐based activity of obtaining, giving, or …

Drivers and barriers of peer-to-peer accommodation stay–an exploratory study with American and Finnish travellers

IP Tussyadiah, J Pesonen - Current Issues in Tourism, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The explosive growth of peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation service presents a potential
transformation in the competitive landscape of accommodation sector. This research …

Virus tinged? Exploring the facets of virtual reality use in tourism as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

AF Schiopu, RI Hornoiu, MA Padurean… - Telematics and Informatics, 2021 - Elsevier
Several studies have investigated the use of virtual reality (VR) in tourism, but none has
taken an epidemiological outlook. This research examined the use of VR in tourism through …