Can less environmental disclosure have a legitimising effect? Evidence from Africa

C De Villiers, CJ Van Staden - Accounting, organizations and society, 2006 - Elsevier
Organizational legitimacy theory predicts that corporations will do whatever they regard as
necessary in order to preserve their image of a legitimate business with legitimate aims and …

Corporate social responsibility disclosure and its relation on institutional ownership: Evidence from public listed companies in Malaysia

M Saleh, N Zulkifli, R Muhamad - Managerial auditing journal, 2010 -
Corporate social responsibility disclosure and its relation on institutional ownership: Evidence
from public listed companies in Malaysia | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies …

The impact of government and foreign affiliate influence on corporate social reporting: The case of Malaysia

A Amran, S Susela Devi - Managerial Auditing Journal, 2008 -
Purpose–This paper seeks to investigate the influence of government and foreign affiliates,
particularly; multinational companies on corporate social reporting (CSR) development in an …

Carrot or stick: CSR disclosures by Southeast Asian companies

C Arena, R Liong, P Vourvachis - … Accounting, Management and …, 2018 -
Purpose Motivated by legitimacy theory, this paper aims to examine comprehensively
corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in Southeast Asian (Association of …

A meta-review of SEAJ: The past and projections for 2020 and beyond

O Moses, FJ Mohaimen… - Social and Environmental …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (SEAJ) made notable progress
as a specialist journal for disseminating social and environmental accounting research …

Corporate social reporting in Malaysia: a case of mimicking the West or succumbing to local pressure

A Amran, AK Siti‐Nabiha - Social Responsibility Journal, 2009 -
Purpose–The primary objective of this paper is to explore and interpret the perceptions and
motives of selected Malaysian managers on CSR by using Institutional theory …

[PDF][PDF] Empowering society for better corporate social responsibility (CSR): The case of Malaysia

A Amran, MM Zain, M Sulaiman, T Sarker, SK Ooi - Kajian Malaysia, 2013 -
This article presents a theoretical proposition based on stakeholder theory for better
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices, specifically in the context of Malaysia. The …

[PDF][PDF] Board independence, ownership and CSR of Malaysian large firms

SN Abdullah, NR Mohamad… - Corporate Ownership & …, 2011 -
The purpose of this study is to determine whether board independence and ownership have
any influence on the decision on CSR disclosure. This study uses the proportion of pages in …

Realising corporate social responsibility in Malaysia: A view from the accounting profession

N Zulkifli, A Amran - Journal of corporate citizenship, 2006 - JSTOR
This paper explores the level of awareness and the perceptions of accounting professionals
in Malaysia of the basic concepts, elements and functions of corporate social responsibility …

Corporate social reporting in Malaysia: an institutional perspective

AB Amran, SS Devi - World Review of Entrepreneurship …, 2007 -
An increasing trend is observed among Malaysian corporations in disclosing social and
environmental information (ACCA, 2002). However, it is unclear as to why Malaysian …