Interactive digital narrative (IDN)—new ways to represent complexity and facilitate digitally empowered citizens
In this overview paper, we consider interactive digital narratives (IDN) as a means to
represent and enable understanding of complex topics both at the public level (eg global …
represent and enable understanding of complex topics both at the public level (eg global …
Interactive digital narratives (IDN) as representations of complexity: lineage, opportunities and future work
In this overview paper, we consider interactive digital narratives (IDN) as a means to
represent and enable understanding of complex topics both at the public level (eg global …
represent and enable understanding of complex topics both at the public level (eg global …
Assessment of climate change impact on the malaria vector Anopheles hyrcanus, West Nile disease, and incidence of melanoma in the Vojvodina Province (Serbia) …
Motivated by the One Health paradigm, we found the expected changes in temperature and
UV radiation (UVR) to be a common trigger for enhancing the risk that viruses, vectors, and …
UV radiation (UVR) to be a common trigger for enhancing the risk that viruses, vectors, and …
[HTML][HTML] The Response of Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to Climate Change in Northern Serbia
The present study assessed the effect of projected climate change on the sowing time,
onset, and duration of flowering, the duration of the growing season, and the grain yield of …
onset, and duration of flowering, the duration of the growing season, and the grain yield of …
Antimonotonicity, bifurcation and multistability in the Vallis model for El Niño
In this paper, the well-known Vallis model for El Niño is analyzed for the parameter condition
P≠ 0. The conditions for the stability of the equilibrium points are derived. The condition for …
P≠ 0. The conditions for the stability of the equilibrium points are derived. The condition for …
Explaining decision structures and data value for neural networks in crop yield prediction
Neural networks are powerful machine learning models, but their reliability and trust are
often criticized due to the unclear nature of their internal learned relationships. We explored …
often criticized due to the unclear nature of their internal learned relationships. We explored …
Impact of climate change on soil thermal and moisture regimes in Serbia: An analysis with data from regional climate simulations under SRES-A1B
We considered temporal and spatial variations to the thermal and moisture regimes of the
most common RSGs (Reference Soil Groups) in Serbia under the A1B scenario for the 2021 …
most common RSGs (Reference Soil Groups) in Serbia under the A1B scenario for the 2021 …
de Broglie–Bohm analysis of a nonlinear membrane: From quantum to classical chaos
Within the de Broglie–Bohm theory, we numerically study a generic two-dimensional
anharmonic oscillator including cubic and quartic interactions in addition to a bilinear …
anharmonic oscillator including cubic and quartic interactions in addition to a bilinear …
[HTML][HTML] Dynamics analysis and chaotic control of a fractional-order three-species food-chain system
L Wang, H Chang, Y Li - mathematics, 2020 - mdpi.com
Based on Hastings and Powell's research, this paper extends a three-species food-chain
system to fractional-order form, whose dynamics are analyzed and explored. The necessary …
system to fractional-order form, whose dynamics are analyzed and explored. The necessary …