Interactive digital narratives (IDN) as representations of complexity: lineage, opportunities and future work

H Koenitz, J Barbara, MP Eladhari - International Conference on …, 2021‏ - Springer
In this overview paper, we consider interactive digital narratives (IDN) as a means to
represent and enable understanding of complex topics both at the public level (eg global …

Assessment of climate change impact on the malaria vector Anopheles hyrcanus, West Nile disease, and incidence of melanoma in the Vojvodina Province (Serbia) …

DT Mihailović, D Petrić, T Petrović… - Plos One, 2020‏ -
Motivated by the One Health paradigm, we found the expected changes in temperature and
UV radiation (UVR) to be a common trigger for enhancing the risk that viruses, vectors, and …

[HTML][HTML] The Response of Spring Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) to Climate Change in Northern Serbia

M Daničić, V Zekić, M Mirosavljević, B Lalić… - Atmosphere, 2019‏ -
The present study assessed the effect of projected climate change on the sowing time,
onset, and duration of flowering, the duration of the growing season, and the grain yield of …

Antimonotonicity, bifurcation and multistability in the Vallis model for El Niño

K Rajagopal, S Jafari, VT Pham, Z Wei… - … Journal of Bifurcation …, 2019‏ - World Scientific
In this paper, the well-known Vallis model for El Niño is analyzed for the parameter condition
P≠ 0. The conditions for the stability of the equilibrium points are derived. The condition for …

Explaining decision structures and data value for neural networks in crop yield prediction

M von Bloh, B Seiler, P van der Smagt… - Environmental …, 2024‏ -
Neural networks are powerful machine learning models, but their reliability and trust are
often criticized due to the unclear nature of their internal learned relationships. We explored …

Impact of climate change on soil thermal and moisture regimes in Serbia: An analysis with data from regional climate simulations under SRES-A1B

DT Mihailović, N Drešković, I Arsenić, V Ćirić… - Science of The Total …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
We considered temporal and spatial variations to the thermal and moisture regimes of the
most common RSGs (Reference Soil Groups) in Serbia under the A1B scenario for the 2021 …

de Broglie–Bohm analysis of a nonlinear membrane: From quantum to classical chaos

H Santos Lima, M Paixão, C Tsallis - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary …, 2024‏ -
Within the de Broglie–Bohm theory, we numerically study a generic two-dimensional
anharmonic oscillator including cubic and quartic interactions in addition to a bilinear …

[HTML][HTML] Dynamics analysis and chaotic control of a fractional-order three-species food-chain system

L Wang, H Chang, Y Li - mathematics, 2020‏ -
Based on Hastings and Powell's research, this paper extends a three-species food-chain
system to fractional-order form, whose dynamics are analyzed and explored. The necessary …