NVAE: A deep hierarchical variational autoencoder
Normalizing flows, autoregressive models, variational autoencoders (VAEs), and deep
energy-based models are among competing likelihood-based frameworks for deep …
energy-based models are among competing likelihood-based frameworks for deep …
An introduction to probabilistic programming
This book is a graduate-level introduction to probabilistic programming. It not only provides a
thorough background for anyone wishing to use a probabilistic programming system, but …
thorough background for anyone wishing to use a probabilistic programming system, but …
Score-based diffusion meets annealed importance sampling
More than twenty years after its introduction, Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) remains
one of the most effective methods for marginal likelihood estimation. It relies on a sequence …
one of the most effective methods for marginal likelihood estimation. It relies on a sequence …
Differentiable annealed importance sampling and the perils of gradient noise
Annealed importance sampling (AIS) and related algorithms are highly effective tools for
marginal likelihood estimation, but are not fully differentiable due to the use of Metropolis …
marginal likelihood estimation, but are not fully differentiable due to the use of Metropolis …
Multiple importance sampling elbo and deep ensembles of variational approximations
In variational inference (VI), the marginal log-likelihood is estimated using the standard
evidence lower bound (ELBO), or improved versions as the importance weighted ELBO …
evidence lower bound (ELBO), or improved versions as the importance weighted ELBO …
Variational open-domain question answering
Retrieval-augmented models have proven to be effective in natural language processing
tasks, yet there remains a lack of research on their optimization using variational inference …
tasks, yet there remains a lack of research on their optimization using variational inference …
Adaptive annealed importance sampling with constant rate progress
Abstract Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) synthesizes weighted samples from an
intractable distribution given its unnormalized density function. This algorithm relies on a …
intractable distribution given its unnormalized density function. This algorithm relies on a …
Provable benefits of annealing for estimating normalizing constants: Importance Sampling, Noise-Contrastive Estimation, and beyond
Recent research has developed several Monte Carlo methods for estimating the
normalization constant (partition function) based on the idea of annealing. This means …
normalization constant (partition function) based on the idea of annealing. This means …
Neural Thermodynamic Integration: Free Energies from Energy-Based Diffusion Models
Thermodynamic integration (TI) offers a rigorous method for estimating free-energy
differences by integrating over a sequence of interpolating conformational ensembles …
differences by integrating over a sequence of interpolating conformational ensembles …
Surrogate likelihoods for variational annealed importance sampling
Variational inference is a powerful paradigm for approximate Bayesian inference with a
number of appealing properties, including support for model learning and data subsampling …
number of appealing properties, including support for model learning and data subsampling …