[HTML][HTML] Raman spectroscopy of carbon materials and their composites: Graphene, nanotubes and fibres
Raman spectroscopy is now an extremely important technique for the analysis of carbon-
based materials. It is demonstrated how it can be used to give a unique insight into …
based materials. It is demonstrated how it can be used to give a unique insight into …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanical properties of graphene and graphene-based nanocomposites
In this present review, the current status of the intrinsic mechanical properties of the
graphene-family of materials along with the preparation and properties of bulk graphene …
graphene-family of materials along with the preparation and properties of bulk graphene …
[HTML][HTML] Production and processing of graphene and related materials
We present an overview of the main techniques for production and processing of graphene
and related materials (GRMs), as well as the key characterization procedures. We adopt …
and related materials (GRMs), as well as the key characterization procedures. We adopt …
Mechanisms of mechanical reinforcement by graphene and carbon nanotubes in polymer nanocomposites
Polymer nanocomposites reinforced with carbon-based nanofillers are gaining increasing
interest for a number of applications due to their excellent properties. The understanding of …
interest for a number of applications due to their excellent properties. The understanding of …
The controversial antibacterial activity of graphene-based materials
Graphene (Gr)-based materials are a promising nanomaterial for the development of
antibacterial surfaces owing to their biocidal activity. However, the effect of the …
antibacterial surfaces owing to their biocidal activity. However, the effect of the …
Strain engineering in alloy nanoparticles
The deformation of interatomic distances with respect to those of the perfect crystal
generates atomic-level strain. In nanoalloys, strain can arise because of finite size …
generates atomic-level strain. In nanoalloys, strain can arise because of finite size …
Tunable macroscale structural superlubricity in two-layer graphene via strain engineering
Achieving structural superlubricity in graphitic samples of macroscale size is particularly
challenging due to difficulties in sliding large contact areas of commensurate stacking …
challenging due to difficulties in sliding large contact areas of commensurate stacking …
The effect of intrinsic crumpling on the mechanics of free-standing graphene
Free-standing graphene is inherently crumpled in the out-of-plane direction due to dynamic
flexural phonons and static wrinkling. We explore the consequences of this crumpling on the …
flexural phonons and static wrinkling. We explore the consequences of this crumpling on the …
Wrinkling of two-dimensional materials: methods, properties and applications
Recently, two-dimensional (2D) materials, including graphene, its derivatives, metal films,
MXenes and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), have been widely studied because of …
MXenes and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), have been widely studied because of …
Optical detection of strain and do** inhomogeneities in single layer MoS2
Van der Waals single-layer materials are characterized by an inherent extremely low
bending rigidity and therefore are prone to nanoscale structural modifications due to …
bending rigidity and therefore are prone to nanoscale structural modifications due to …