Barriers related to the implementation of intelligent transport systems in cities-the Polish local government's perspective
EJ Tomaszewska - Engineering Management in Production …, 2021 - bazawiedzy.pb.edu.pl
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are undoubtedly an opportunity for the sustainable
development of smart cities today. ITS is based on advanced transport technologies that …
development of smart cities today. ITS is based on advanced transport technologies that …
Will COVID-19 bury dreams of some overland routes of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative?
K Czerewacz-Filipowicz - Asia Pacific Business Review, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
The presented research identifies and assesses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
the development of three selected overland rail routes of the Belt and Road Initiative. The …
the development of three selected overland rail routes of the Belt and Road Initiative. The …
[PDF][PDF] Challenges and barriers to connecting World Class Manufacturing and continuous improvement processes to Industry 4.0 paradigms
JDR Terra, FT Berssaneti… - … management in production …, 2021 - sciendo.com
This paper exposes the difficulties in integrating “Industry 4.0 Practices” and “World-Class
Manufacturing” due to the rapid expansion of production systems and the increasingly …
Manufacturing” due to the rapid expansion of production systems and the increasingly …
[PDF][PDF] A methodology of strategic analysis for servitization of the manufacturing company
J Kozłowska - planning, 2021 - wseas.com
Servitization in manufacturing companies often involves reformulating or building new
strategies. It is a complex and challenging process that is very prone to failure if carried out …
strategies. It is a complex and challenging process that is very prone to failure if carried out …
Możliwości zastosowania metod badawczych foresight w kontekście przyszłego rynku pracy
J Valevatn - edukacja ustawiczna dorosłych, 2023 - ceeol.com
Celem głównym postawionym przez autorów było opracowanie metodyki badawczej
foresight ukierunkowanej na zastosowanie w kontekście przyszłego rynku pracy. W artykule …
foresight ukierunkowanej na zastosowanie w kontekście przyszłego rynku pracy. W artykule …
The STEEPVL and scenario analyses of the development of the Belt and Road Initiative in Poland
A Bartosiewicz, P Szterlik - Innovation: The European Journal of …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Poland's convenient location on the border of the European Union (EU) and the Eurasian
Economic Union (EAEU) predisposes it to be a transhipment hub for the Belt and Road …
Economic Union (EAEU) predisposes it to be a transhipment hub for the Belt and Road …
Identifying and Categorizing the Effective Drivers Sha** the Future of Accounting Education in Iran using the EPISTLU Model
M Sedighian, F Hirani, M Moinuddin… - Journal of Iran …, 2021 - jfs.journals.ikiu.ac.ir
Objective: The present study aimed to identify and categorize the effective drivers sha**
the future of accounting education in Iran in a scientific and systematic manner. Methods …
the future of accounting education in Iran in a scientific and systematic manner. Methods …
[PDF][PDF] Ewolucja koncepcji smart city jako wyznacznik rozwoju współczesnych miast–polska perspektywa
K Marchlewska-Patyk - 2023 - poprzedni-wiz.pb.edu.pl
Koncepcja smart city jest obecnie jedną z wiodących idei w obszarze zarządzania,
szczególnie gospodarek wysokorozwiniętych. Jest ona również coraz bardziej popularnym …
szczególnie gospodarek wysokorozwiniętych. Jest ona również coraz bardziej popularnym …
[PDF][PDF] Nowoczesne technologie wykorzystywane w gospodarce odpadami komunalnymi w smart city
E Bondar, K Budna, D Szpilko - Akademia Zarządzania, 2023 - bazawiedzy.pb.edu.pl
We współczesnym świecie miasta stoją przed licznymi wyzwaniami, które muszą pokonać,
aby poprawić jakość życia mieszkańców. Jednym z wyzwań jest gospodarowanie …
aby poprawić jakość życia mieszkańców. Jednym z wyzwań jest gospodarowanie …
A Foresight Study of RFID Passive Tags on Smart Shop**
NAA Masthoram, AZ Azizan - Research in Management of …, 2023 - publisher.uthm.edu.my
The existence of useful technology such as RFID passive tags can help facilitate all daily
affairs such as not having to queue and wait for a long time to make payments at the counter …
affairs such as not having to queue and wait for a long time to make payments at the counter …