The physiology of life history trade-offs in animals

AJ Zera, LG Harshman - Annual review of Ecology and …, 2001 -
▪ Abstract The functional causes of life history trade-offs have been a topic of interest to
evolutionary biologists for over six decades. Our review of life history trade-offs discusses …

Extreme events as sha** physiology, ecology, and evolution of plants: toward a unified definition and evaluation of their consequences

VP Gutschick, H BassiriRad - New Phytologist, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
Here we consider how extreme events, particularly climatic and biotic, affect the physiology,
development, ecology and evolution of organisms, focusing on plants. The marked effects …

To cut a long tail short: a review of lizard caudal autotomy studies carried out over the last 20 years

PW Bateman, PA Fleming - Journal of zoology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Caudal autotomy, the ability to shed the tail, is common in lizards as a response to attempted
predation. Since Arnold's substantial review of caudal autotomy as a defence in reptiles 20 …

Capital breeding and income breeding: their meaning, measurement, and worth

PA Stephens, IL Boyd, JM McNamara, AI Houston - Ecology, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The life histories of organisms can show pronounced variation in the way that the costs of
reproduction are financed. To facilitate discussions of this variation, two terms are increasing …

Capital versus income breeding: an ectothermic perspective

X Bonnet, D Bradshaw, R Shine - Oikos, 1998 - JSTOR
Energy storage is an important component of life-history variation. Some organisms ("
income breeders") fuel reproductive expenditure by simultaneous feeding, whereas others (" …

Individual variation in reproductive costs of reproduction: High‐quality females always do better

S Hamel, SD Côté, JM Gaillard… - Journal of Animal …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Summary 1 Although life‐history theory predicts substantial costs of reproduction,
individuals often show positive correlations among life‐history traits, rather than trade‐offs …

Sex differences in the response to environmental cues regulating seasonal reproduction in birds

GF Ball, ED Ketterson - … of the Royal Society B: Biological …, 2008 -
Although it is axiomatic that males and females differ in relation to many aspects of
reproduction related to physiology, morphology and behaviour, relatively little is known …

The evolution of body fatness: trading off disease and predation risk

JR Speakman - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2018 -
Human obesity has a large genetic component, yet has many serious negative
consequences. How this state of affairs has evolved has generated wide debate. The thrifty …

Short‐term versus long‐term effects of food intake on reproductive output in a viviparous snake, Vipera aspis

X Bonnet, G Naulleau, R Shine, O Lourdais - Oikos, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Feeding rates influence reproductive output in many kinds of animals, but we need to
understand the timescale of this influence before we can compare reproductive energy …

Between semelparity and iteroparity: empirical evidence for a continuum of modes of parity

PW Hughes - Ecology and evolution, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The number of times an organism reproduces (ie, its mode of parity) is a fundamental life‐
history character, and evolutionary and ecological models that compare the relative …