Tectono-magmatic evolution during the extensional phase of a Wilson Cycle: a review of the Alpine Tethys case and implications for Atlantic-type margins
Despite the recent progress in seismic imaging and dynamic modelling, the tectono-
magmatic evolution during late orogenic extension and rifting is at present little understood …
magmatic evolution during late orogenic extension and rifting is at present little understood …
Competition between 3D structural inheritance and kinematics during rifting: Insights from analogue models
The competition between the impact of inherited weaknesses and plate kinematics
determines the location and style of deformation during rifting, yet the relative impacts of …
determines the location and style of deformation during rifting, yet the relative impacts of …
[HTML][HTML] Complex rift patterns, a result of interacting crustal and mantle weaknesses, or multiphase rifting? Insights from analogue models
During lithospheric extension, localization of deformation often occurs along structural
weaknesses inherited from previous tectonic phases. Such weaknesses may occur in both …
weaknesses inherited from previous tectonic phases. Such weaknesses may occur in both …
On the delayed expression of mantle inheritance–controlled strain localization during rifting
In this paper, we explore the relative impact mantle inheritance can have on the evolution of
magma-poor rift systems during the early stages of rift localization. To this end, we revisit the …
magma-poor rift systems during the early stages of rift localization. To this end, we revisit the …
The role of inheritance in forming rifts and rifted margins and building collisional orogens: a Biscay-Pyrenean perspective
G Manatschal, P Chenin… - BSGF-Earth …, 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
A long-standing challenge in tectonics is to evaluate the role of inheritance and define the
initial conditions of a geodynamic system, which are prerequisites to understand and model …
initial conditions of a geodynamic system, which are prerequisites to understand and model …
Physical and mechanical rock properties of a heterogeneous volcano; the case of Mount Unzen, Japan
Volcanoes represent one of the most critical geological settings for hazard modelling due to
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
their propensity to both unpredictably erupt and collapse, even in times of quiescence …
Punctiform breakup and initial oceanization in the central red sea rift
YD Sang, BMT Adam, CF Li, L Huang, YL Wen… - Journal of Marine …, 2023 - mdpi.com
The Central Red Sea Rift is a natural laboratory to study the transition from rifting to
spreading. Based on new reflection seismic profiles and gravity modeling, we examined the …
spreading. Based on new reflection seismic profiles and gravity modeling, we examined the …
Effects of tectonic quiescence between orogeny and rifting
Tectonic quiescence is a period of nearly null relative plate motion. During the Atlantic
Ocean opening, rifting cut across continental segments of supercontinent Pangea that had …
Ocean opening, rifting cut across continental segments of supercontinent Pangea that had …
Origin of a high-velocity layer: Insights from seismic reflection imaging (South China Sea)
Magmatism and crustal structural characteristics are well-known phenomena that support
understanding the marginal sea's tectonic evolution. The South China Sea (SCS) has …
understanding the marginal sea's tectonic evolution. The South China Sea (SCS) has …
Crustal contamination and hybridization of an embryonic oceanic crust during the Red Sea rifting (Tihama Asir igneous complex, Saudi Arabia)
Abstract The Red Sea rift system represents a key case study of the transition from a
continental to an oceanic rift. The Red Sea rifting initiated in Late Oligocene to Early …
continental to an oceanic rift. The Red Sea rifting initiated in Late Oligocene to Early …