Approaches to revealing the neural basis of muscle synergies: a review and a critique
The central nervous system (CNS) may produce coordinated motor outputs via the
combination of motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Identification of muscle …
combination of motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Identification of muscle …
Muscle synergies for evaluating upper limb in clinical applications: A systematic review
Introduction Muscle synergies have been proposed as a strategy employed by the central
nervous system to control movements. Muscle synergy analysis is a well-established …
nervous system to control movements. Muscle synergy analysis is a well-established …
Plasticity of muscle synergies through fractionation and merging during development and training of human runners
Complex motor commands for human locomotion are generated through the combination of
motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Recent data have argued that muscle …
motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Recent data have argued that muscle …
Challenging human locomotion: stability and modular organisation in unsteady conditions
The need to move over uneven terrain is a daily challenge. In order to face unexpected
perturbations due to changes in the morphology of the terrain, the central nervous system …
perturbations due to changes in the morphology of the terrain, the central nervous system …
On the methodological implications of extracting muscle synergies from human locomotion
We investigated the influence of three different high-pass (HP) and low-pass (LP) filtering
conditions and a Gaussian (GNMF) and inverse-Gaussian (IGNMF) non-negative matrix …
conditions and a Gaussian (GNMF) and inverse-Gaussian (IGNMF) non-negative matrix …
Modular control of human movement during running: an open access data set
The human body is an outstandingly complex machine including around 1000 muscles and
joints acting synergistically. Yet, the coordination of the enormous amount of degrees of …
joints acting synergistically. Yet, the coordination of the enormous amount of degrees of …
Methodological choices in muscle synergy analysis impact differentiation of physiological characteristics following stroke
Muscle synergy analysis (MSA) is a mathematical technique that reduces the dimensionality
of electromyographic (EMG) data. Used increasingly in biomechanics research, MSA …
of electromyographic (EMG) data. Used increasingly in biomechanics research, MSA …
An objective, information-based approach for selecting the number of muscle synergies to be extracted via non-negative matrix factorization
Muscle synergy analysis is a useful tool for the evaluation of the motor control strategies and
for the quantification of motor performance. Among the parameters that can be extracted …
for the quantification of motor performance. Among the parameters that can be extracted …
An optogenetic demonstration of motor modularity in the mammalian spinal cord
Motor modules are neural entities hypothesized to be building blocks of movement
construction. How motor modules are underpinned by neural circuits has remained …
construction. How motor modules are underpinned by neural circuits has remained …
Muscle synergies in Parkinson's disease
Over the last two decades, experimental studies in humans and other vertebrates have
increasingly used muscle synergy analysis as a computational tool to examine the …
increasingly used muscle synergy analysis as a computational tool to examine the …