Consensus formation tracking for multiple AUV systems using distributed bioinspired sliding mode control
Consensus formation tracking of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) subject
to nonlinear and uncertain dynamics is a challenging problem in robotics. To tackle this …
to nonlinear and uncertain dynamics is a challenging problem in robotics. To tackle this …
Neural network-based adaptive controller for trajectory tracking of wheeled mobile robots
Trajectory tracking control is indispensable for a wheeled mobile robot to achieve successful
navigation. The classical tracking control systems that are used in wheeled mobile robots do …
navigation. The classical tracking control systems that are used in wheeled mobile robots do …
Bio-inspired intelligence with applications to robotics: a survey
J Li, Z Xu, D Zhu, K Dong, T Yan, Z Zeng… - ar** control aided with neurodynamics for consensus formation tracking of underwater vessels
This article addresses distributed robust learning-based control for consensus formation
tracking of multiple underwater vessels, in which the system parameters of the marine …
tracking of multiple underwater vessels, in which the system parameters of the marine …
A study of variable structure and sliding mode filters for robust estimation of mechatronic systems
SA Gadsden, M Al-Shabi - 2020 IEEE International IOT …, 2020 -
In this paper, a study of estimation strategies based on variable structure and sliding mode
theory is performed. The smooth variable structure filter (SVSF) and the new sliding …
theory is performed. The smooth variable structure filter (SVSF) and the new sliding …
Sensor reduction, estimation, and control of an upper-limb exoskeleton
A multi-degree-of-freedom (multi-DOF) exoskeleton relies on an array of sensors to
communicate its state (eg, positions/orientations) and operator-exoskeleton contact …
communicate its state (eg, positions/orientations) and operator-exoskeleton contact …
A fuzzy adaptive extended Kalman filter exploiting the Student'st distribution for mobile robot tracking
X Lai, G Zhu, J Chambers - Measurement Science and …, 2021 -
To solve the problem of non-Gaussian distribution of measurement noise during the actual
process of trajectory tracking when the mobile robot is performing tasks, a novel fuzzy …
process of trajectory tracking when the mobile robot is performing tasks, a novel fuzzy …
A novel open-closed-loop control strategy for quadrotor trajectory tracking on real-time control and acquisition platform
K Chen, C Ye, C Wu, H Wang, L **, F Zhu, H Hong - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
This paper presents a novel closed-loop control strategy that can be applied to quadrotor
trajectory tracking to improve the control accuracy and stability. Inspired by intelligent …
trajectory tracking to improve the control accuracy and stability. Inspired by intelligent …
Subsea pipeline inspection gauges fluctuating friction control under time-varying disturbance
Z Zhang, Y Li, G Song - Ocean Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
To suppress friction fluctuations during the operation of a pipeline inspection gauge (PIG)
and to avoid speed deviations, which may lead to poor detection accuracy and jamming, an …
and to avoid speed deviations, which may lead to poor detection accuracy and jamming, an …