Carbon dioxide and organic waste valorization by microbial electrosynthesis and electro-fermentation
Carbon-rich waste materials (solid, liquid, or gaseous) are largely considered to be a burden
on society due to the large capital and energy costs for their treatment and disposal …
on society due to the large capital and energy costs for their treatment and disposal …
Electricity-driven microbial metabolism of carbon and nitrogen: a waste-to-resource solution
Electricity-driven microbial metabolism relies on the extracellular electron transfer (EET)
process between microbes and electrodes and provides promise for resource recovery from …
process between microbes and electrodes and provides promise for resource recovery from …
Electrical selection for planktonic sludge microbial community function and assembly
Electrostimulated hydrolysis acidification (eHA) has been used as an efficient biological pre-
treatment of refractory industrial wastewater. However, the effects of electrostimulation on …
treatment of refractory industrial wastewater. However, the effects of electrostimulation on …
Anode potentials regulate Geobacter biofilms: new insights from the composition and spatial structure of extracellular polymeric substances
G Yang, L Huang, Z Yu, X Liu, S Chen, J Zeng, S Zhou… - Water research, 2019 - Elsevier
The extracellular electron transfer (EET) efficiency in bioelectrochemical systems has been
proven to be dependent on anode potentials. To explore the underlying mechanism …
proven to be dependent on anode potentials. To explore the underlying mechanism …
Renewable hydrogen for the chemical industry
Hydrogen is often touted as the fuel of the future, but hydrogen is already an important
feedstock for the chemical industry. This review highlights current means for hydrogen …
feedstock for the chemical industry. This review highlights current means for hydrogen …
Design and properties of antimicrobial biomaterials surfaces
Emergence of antibiotic‐resistance pathogens has caused serious health issues and if the
current trend is to continue, treatment of the infection will become complicated and even …
current trend is to continue, treatment of the infection will become complicated and even …
Two key Geobacter species of wastewater-enriched electroactive biofilm respond differently to electric field
Electroactive biofilms have attracted increasing attention due to their unique ability to
exchange electrons with electrodes. Geobacter spp. are widely found to be dominant in …
exchange electrons with electrodes. Geobacter spp. are widely found to be dominant in …
Programming mammalian cell behaviors by physical cues
In recent decades, the field of synthetic biology has witnessed remarkable progress, driving
advances in both research and practical applications. One pivotal area of development …
advances in both research and practical applications. One pivotal area of development …
Operation mechanism of constructed wetland-microbial fuel cells for wastewater treatment and electricity generation: A review
W Wang, Y Zhang, M Li, X Wei, Y Wang, L Liu… - Bioresource …, 2020 - Elsevier
Constructed wetland-microbial fuel cells (CWL-MFCs) are eco-friendly and sustainable
technology, simultaneously implementing contaminant removal and electricity production …
technology, simultaneously implementing contaminant removal and electricity production …
A New Electron Shuttling Pathway Mediated by Lipophilic Phenoxazine via the Interaction with Periplasmic and Inner Membrane Proteins of Shewanella oneidensis …
Y Wu, X Zhu, X Wang, Z Lin… - Environmental …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Although it has been established that electron mediators substantially promote extracellular
electron transfer (EET), electron shuttling pathways are not fully understood. Here, a new …
electron transfer (EET), electron shuttling pathways are not fully understood. Here, a new …