Phases of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model with attractive interactions

O Mansikkamäki, S Laine, M Silveri - Physical Review B, 2021‏ - APS
We study the quantum ground-state phases of the one-dimensional disordered Bose-
Hubbard model with attractive interactions, realized by a chain of superconducting transmon …

Effects of a rotating periodic lattice on coherent quantum states in a ring topology: The case of positive nonlinearity

H Huang, KK Das - Physical Review A, 2021‏ - APS
We study the landscape of solutions of the coherent quantum states in a ring-shaped lattice
potential in the context of ultracold atoms with an effective positive nonlinearity induced by …

Resonant persistent currents for ultracold bosons on a lattice ring

G Arwas, D Cohen, F Hekking, A Minguzzi - Physical Review A, 2017‏ - APS
We consider a one-dimensional bosonic gas on a ring lattice, in the presence of a localized
barrier, and under the effect of an artificial gauge field. By means of exact diagonalization we …

Semiclassical theory of strong localization for quantum thermalization

C Khripkov, A Vardi, D Cohen - Physical Review E, 2018‏ - APS
We introduce a semiclassical theory for strong localization that may arise in the context of
many-body thermalization. As a minimal model for thermalization we consider a few-site …

Quantum irreversibility of quasistatic protocols for finite-size quantized systems

Y Winsten, D Cohen - Physical Review A, 2023‏ - APS
Quantum mechanically, a driving process is expected to be reversible in the quasistatic limit,
also known as the adiabatic theorem. This statement stands in opposition to classical …

Monodromy and chaos for condensed bosons in optical lattices

G Arwas, D Cohen - Physical Review A, 2019‏ - APS
We introduce a theory for the stability of a condensate in an optical lattice. We show that the
understanding of the stability-to-ergodicity transition involves the fusion of monodromy and …

Chaos-induced breakdown of Bose-Hubbard modeling

S Ray, D Cohen, A Vardi - Physical Review A, 2020‏ - APS
We show that the Bose-Hubbard approximation fails due to the emergence of chaos, even
when excited modes are far detuned and the standard validity condition is satisfied. This is …

Generating accessible entanglement in bosons via pair-correlated tunneling

TJ Volkoff, CM Herdman - Physical Review A, 2019‏ - APS
We consider an extended Bose-Hubbard model that includes pair-correlated tunneling. We
demonstrate that a minimal four-mode implementation of this model exhibits a pair …

Theoretical description of atomtronic Josephson junctions in an optical lattice

M Gupta, HR Krishnamurthy, JK Freericks - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2025‏ -
Experimental realizations of``atomtronic" Josephson junctions have recently been created in
annular traps in relative rotation with respect to potential barriers that generate the weak …

Chaos onset in large rings of Bose-Einstein condensates

D Wozniak, J Kroha, A Posazhennikova - Physical Review A, 2022‏ - APS
We consider large rings of weakly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates, analyzing their
transition to chaotic dynamics and loss of coherence. Initially, a ring is considered to be in an …