Predictions for observable atmospheres of trappist-1 planets from a fully coupled atmosphere–interior evolution model

J Krissansen-Totton, JJ Fortney - The Astrophysical Journal, 2022 -
The Trappist-1 planets provide a unique opportunity to test the current understanding of
rocky planet evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to characterize the …

Implications of atmospheric nondetections for TRAPPIST-1 inner planets on atmospheric retention prospects for outer planets

J Krissansen-Totton - The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2023 -
JWST secondary eclipse observations of Trappist-1b seemingly disfavor atmospheres>∼ 1
bar since heat redistribution is expected to yield dayside emission temperature below the∼ …

ExoCAM: a 3D climate model for exoplanet atmospheres

ET Wolf, R Kopparapu, J Haqq-Misra… - The Planetary Science …, 2022 -
Abstract The TRAPPIST-1 Habitable Atmosphere Intercomparison (THAI) project was
initiated to compare 3D climate models that are commonly used for predicting theoretical …

TRAPPIST habitable atmosphere intercomparison (THAI) workshop report

TJ Fauchez, M Turbet, DE Sergeev… - The Planetary …, 2021 -
The era of atmospheric characterization of terrestrial exoplanets is just around the corner.
Modeling prior to observations is crucial in order to predict the observational challenges and …

Lightning-induced chemistry on tidally-locked Earth-like exoplanets

M Braam, PI Palmer, L Decin… - Monthly Notices of …, 2022 -
Determining the habitability and interpreting atmospheric spectra of exoplanets requires
understanding their atmospheric physics and chemistry. We use a 3-D coupled climate …

Climate Regimes across the Habitable Zone: A Comparison of Synchronous Rocky M and K Dwarf Planets

AH Lobo, AL Shields - The Astrophysical Journal, 2024 -
M and K dwarf stars make up 86% of the stellar population and host many promising
astronomical targets for detecting habitable climates in the near future. Of the two, M dwarfs …

Water vapour transit ambiguities for habitable M-Earths

E Macdonald, K Menou, C Lee… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2024 -
We have shown in a recent study, using 3D climate simulations, that dayside land cover has
a substantial impact on the climate of a synchronously rotating temperate rocky planet such …

The Sparse Atmospheric Model Sampling Analysis (SAMOSA) Intercomparison: Motivations and Protocol Version 1.0: A CUISINES Model Intercomparison Project

J Haqq-Misra, ET Wolf, TJ Fauchez… - The Planetary …, 2022 -
Planets in synchronous rotation around low-mass stars are the most salient targets for
current ground-and space-based missions to observe and characterize. Such model …

Climate uncertainties caused by unknown land distribution on habitable M-Earths

E Macdonald, A Paradise, K Menou… - Monthly Notices of the …, 2022 -
ABSTRACT A planet's surface conditions can significantly impact its climate and habitability.
In this study, we use the 3D general circulation model exoplasim to systematically vary …

High-resolution spectral models of TRAPPIST-1e seen as a Pale Blue Dot for ELT and JWST observations

Z Lin, L Kaltenegger - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2022 -
Rocky exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zone (HZ) of nearby M dwarfs provide unique
opportunities for characterizing their atmospheres and searching for biosignature gases …