Construction robotics: from automation to collaboration

S Parascho - Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and …, 2023‏ -
Over the past decades, robotics has shown great potential to impact the built environment,
from automation to differentiation and efficient construction. However, construction …

Robotic architectural assembly with tactile skills: Simulation and optimization

B Belousov, B Wibranek, J Schneider… - Automation in …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Construction is an industry that could benefit significantly from automation, yet still relies
heavily on manual human labor. Thus, we investigate how a robotic arm can be used to …

Enhancing construction robot learning for collaborative and long-horizon tasks using generative adversarial imitation learning

R Li, Z Zou - Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The development and deployment of robots on construction sites are integral to the
industrialization of construction, known as Construction 4.0. Tele-operated and pre …

Auto (mated) nomous Assembly

Y Liu, B Belousov, N Funk, G Chalvatzaki… - … Conference on Trends …, 2022‏ - Springer
The paper presents research on a hierarchical, computational design approach for the
aggregation of dry-joint, interlocking building blocks and their autonomous assembly by …

Reinforcement learning for scaffold-free construction of spanning structures

G Vallat, J Wang, A Maddux, M Kamgarpour… - Proceedings of the 8th …, 2023‏ -
In construction robotics, a conventional design-to-fabrication workflow starts with designing
a structure, followed by task and robotic motion planning, and ultimately, fabrication …

Towards an AI-Based Framework for Autonomous Design and Construction: Learning from Reinforcement Learning Success in RTS Games

A Elmaraghy, J Montali, M Restelli, F Causone… - … on Computer-Aided …, 2023‏ - Springer
The present study summarizes the state-of-the-art research in deep reinforcement learning
(DRL) techniques in the architecture, engineering and construction industry and it formulates …

Interlocking assemblies: Applications and methods

P Song - Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Interlocking assemblies are assemblies where all the parts, except a key part, are
immobilized relative to one another, preventing the whole assembly from falling apart under …

Computational Design with Kurtboğaz: The Generation of Timber Structures with an Aggregative Design Algorithm

İB Ertan, PÇ Adem - Journal of Computational Design, 2024‏ -
This paper investigates the form-finding capacity of the traditional timber-joint construction
method, Kurtboğaz, aiming to explore new architectural forms and possibilities through …

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Urban Modeling: Morphogenesis Simulation of Self-Organized Settlements

HE H'sain - 2023‏ -
Self-organized modes of urban growth could result in high-quality urban space and have
notable benefits such as providing affordable housing and wider access to economic …

[PDF][PDF] Beyond Babel: Towering With Minimal Communication

P Block, G Boller, C DeWolf, J Pauli, W Kaufmann - 2024‏ -
This research aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of constructing dry-stacking
building blocks using SL block by develo** a parallel construction method. Inspired by MC …