Soft skills, do we know what we are talking about?
During the last decade, individual competencies and soft skills have reached a position of
paramount importance among scholars in different fields. Yet, there seems to be a lack of …
paramount importance among scholars in different fields. Yet, there seems to be a lack of …
Twenty-seven years of service research: a literature review and research agenda
Purpose The growing service sector has experienced several revolutions that have
transformed the way services are created and delivered. In parallel, services increasingly …
transformed the way services are created and delivered. In parallel, services increasingly …
A natural apology is sincere: Understanding chatbots' performance in symbolic recovery
J Zhang, Y Zhu, J Wu, GF Yu-Buck - International Journal of Hospitality …, 2023 - Elsevier
Although chatbots have been widely used in dealing with service complaints, knowledge
about the recovery performance of chatbots is limited. Drawing upon lay belief and …
about the recovery performance of chatbots is limited. Drawing upon lay belief and …
Map** of Journal of Services Marketing themes: a retrospective overview using bibliometric analysis
Purpose Journal of services marketing (JSM) is a leading journal that has published cutting-
edge research in services marketing over the past 34 years. The main objective of this paper …
edge research in services marketing over the past 34 years. The main objective of this paper …
Interpersonal conflict at work and knowledge hiding in service organizations: the mediator role of employee well-being
Purpose This paper aims to explore the effects of interpersonal conflicts in the social
workplace on various rationalized, knowledge-hiding behaviors in service organizations …
workplace on various rationalized, knowledge-hiding behaviors in service organizations …
Hospitality employees' affective experience of shame, self-efficacy beliefs and job behaviors: The alleviating role of error tolerance
Abstract Service management researchers have clearly demonstrated that customers
experience various emotions in service failure situations. In comparison, hospitality …
experience various emotions in service failure situations. In comparison, hospitality …
Emotional intelligence similarity in service recovery
Abstract Service failure and recovery research has primarily explored employees' emotional
intelligence but has largely overlooked customers' emotional intelligence. This study …
intelligence but has largely overlooked customers' emotional intelligence. This study …
Comparing public and private organisations in their quest to become a preferred customer of suppliers
H Schiele - Journal of public procurement, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose In industrial procurement, the concept of supplier satisfaction has gained
increasing attention. Satisfied suppliers have been found to provide better prices, more …
increasing attention. Satisfied suppliers have been found to provide better prices, more …
Service failure and self-recovery in tech-based services: self-determination theory perspective
YTH Chiu, DM Nguyen - The Service Industries Journal, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The pervasiveness of self-service technologies (SSTs) in the service industry has led to
renewed interest in SST failure and recovery. Understanding how customers respond to SST …
renewed interest in SST failure and recovery. Understanding how customers respond to SST …
Investigating the role of customer forgiveness following a double deviation
CY Lin, EY Chou - Journal of Services Marketing, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose Despite double deviation being an acknowledged phenomenon in services
marketing, less research has been devoted to the evaluation of the underlying relationships …
marketing, less research has been devoted to the evaluation of the underlying relationships …