Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology
Five decades ago, a landmark paper in Science titled The Cave Environment heralded
caves as ideal natural experimental laboratories in which to develop and address general …
caves as ideal natural experimental laboratories in which to develop and address general …
Cave aerosols: distribution and contribution to speleothem geochemistry
There is develo** interest in cave aerosols due to the increasing awareness of their
impacts on the cave environment and speleothem; this paper provides the first attempt to …
impacts on the cave environment and speleothem; this paper provides the first attempt to …
Finding answers in the dark: caves as models in ecology fifty years after Poulson and White
S Mammola - Ecography, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The use of semi‐isolated habitats such as oceanic islands, lakes and mountain summits as
model systems has played a crucial role in the development of evolutionary and ecological …
model systems has played a crucial role in the development of evolutionary and ecological …
A world review of fungi, yeasts, and slime moldes in caves
KJ Vanderwolf, D Malloch, DF McAlpine - 2013 - digitalcommons.usf.edu
We provide a review of fungi, yeasts, and slime molds that have been found in natural
solution caves and mines worldwide. Such habitats provide frequent roost sites for bats, and …
solution caves and mines worldwide. Such habitats provide frequent roost sites for bats, and …
[HTML][HTML] New insights into the structure, microbial diversity and ecology of yellow biofilms in a Paleolithic rock art cave (Pindal Cave, Asturias, Spain)
In the absence of sunlight, caves harbor a great diversity of microbial colonies to extensive
biofilms with different sizes and colors visible to the naked eye. One of the most widespread …
biofilms with different sizes and colors visible to the naked eye. One of the most widespread …
Use of biocides for the control of fungal outbreaks in subterranean environments: the case of the Lascaux Cave in France
PM Martin-Sanchez, A Nováková… - … science & technology, 2012 - ACS Publications
The Lascaux Cave in France suffered an outbreak of the fungus Fusarium solani in 2001.
Biocides were applied for three years to control this outbreak. Four months after the initial …
Biocides were applied for three years to control this outbreak. Four months after the initial …
Living in the dark: Bat caves as hotspots of fungal diversity
Bat caves are very special roosts that harbour thousands of bats of one or more species.
Such sites may hold an incredible “dark fungal diversity” which is still underestimated. We …
Such sites may hold an incredible “dark fungal diversity” which is still underestimated. We …
Richness of Cladosporium in a tropical bat cave with the description of two new species
Caves are important roosts for hundreds of bat species worldwide. Such habitats frequently
harbour rich and extremely specialised biotas; however, they remain among the least …
harbour rich and extremely specialised biotas; however, they remain among the least …
Human impact on underground cultural and natural heritage sites, biological parameters of monitoring and remediation actions for insensitive surfaces: Case of …
J Mulec - Journal for Nature Conservation, 2014 - Elsevier
Underground tourist cultural and natural heritage sites in Slovenia that share similar
management problems with other such sites worldwide include Postojna Cave with more …
management problems with other such sites worldwide include Postojna Cave with more …
[HTML][HTML] Airborne fungi in show caves from Southern Spain
The aerobiology of caves in Southern Spain possesses special characteristics, different from
caves located in Northern Spain. Previous studies demonstrated the influence of outdoor air …
caves located in Northern Spain. Previous studies demonstrated the influence of outdoor air …