[HTML][HTML] Control of non-self-regulating processes with long time delays using hybrid sliding mode control approaches

J Espin, C Camacho, O Camacho - Results in Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This research introduces two controllers for non-self-regulating systems with dominant time
delays. These controllers are designed using sliding mode control principles with built-in …

Synthesis of PID controller for unstable and integrating processes

RC Panda - Chemical Engineering Science, 2009 - Elsevier
Properly designed controllers provide stable closed-loop response for open-loop unstable
processes. Internal model controller equivalent PID tuning rules for low order unstable plus …

Autotuning and controller design for processes with small time delays

S Majhi, DP Atherton - IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, 1999 - IET
A set of general expressions is derived from a single asymmetrical relay feedback test for
online plant identification. The expressions also remain valid for an odd symmetrical limit …

An enhanced PID control strategy for unstable processes

JH Park, SW Sung, IB Lee - Automatica, 1998 - Elsevier
An enhanced PID control strategy is proposed for unstable processes. Ultimate data sets
and the process gain estimated from an improved relay feedback method are used to …

Design of PID controllers in double feedback loops for SISO systems with set-point filters

V Vijayan, RC Panda - ISA transactions, 2012 - Elsevier
A PID controller is widely used to control industrial processes that are mostly open loop
stable or unstable. Selection of proper feedback structure and controller tuning helps to …

Advanced proportional− integral− derivative tuning for integrating and unstable processes with gain and phase margin specifications

YG Wang, WJ Cai - Industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2002 - ACS Publications
Proportional− integral− derivative (PID) control is widely used to control stable processes;
however, its application to integrating and unstable processes is less common. In the paper …

[SÁCH][B] Control of unstable systems

RP Sree, M Chidambaram - 2006 - books.google.com
Page 1 Control of Unstable Systems R Padma Sree M Chidambaram a Alpha Science Page 2

Novel identification method from step response

S Ahmed, B Huang, SL Shah - Control Engineering Practice, 2007 - Elsevier
Methods to estimate process model parameters from both open loop and closed loop step
responses are proposed. The distinctive feature of the proposed methods is that the model …

Online tuning of controllers for an unstable FOPDT process

S Majhi, DP Atherton - IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, 2000 - IET
A single-relay feedback test can be used to identify exact model parameters of an unstable
first-order plus delay (FOPDT) transfer function when a limit cycle exists. This is only true if …

Improved cascade control system for a class of unstable processes with time delay

C Yin, H Wang, Q Sun, L Zhao - International Journal of Control …, 2019 - Springer
An improved cascade control scheme is proposed based on modified Smith predictor for
controlling a class of unstable processes with time delay. The proposed control structure …