Causes and consequences of ontogenetic dietary shifts: a global synthesis using fish models
Ontogenetic dietary shifts (ODSs), the changes in diet utilisation occurring over the life span
of an individual consumer, are widespread in the animal kingdom. Understanding ODSs …
of an individual consumer, are widespread in the animal kingdom. Understanding ODSs …
Quantifying the conservation value of seascape connectivity: a global synthesis
Aim Connectivity structures populations, communities and ecosystems in the sea. The extent
of connectivity is, therefore, predicted to also influence the outcomes of conservation …
of connectivity is, therefore, predicted to also influence the outcomes of conservation …
Animal behaviour shapes the ecological effects of ocean acidification and warming: moving from individual to community‐level responses
Biological communities are shaped by complex interactions between organisms and their
environment as well as interactions with other species. Humans are rapidly changing the …
environment as well as interactions with other species. Humans are rapidly changing the …
True value of estuarine and coastal nurseries for fish: incorporating complexity and dynamics
Coastal ecosystems, such as estuaries, salt marshes, mangroves and seagrass meadows,
comprise some of the world's most productive and ecologically significant ecosystems …
comprise some of the world's most productive and ecologically significant ecosystems …
The seascape nursery: a novel spatial approach to identify and manage nurseries for coastal marine fauna
Coastal marine and estuarine ecosystems are highly productive and serve a nursery
function for important fisheries species. They also suffer some of the highest rates of …
function for important fisheries species. They also suffer some of the highest rates of …
Habitat use by fishes in coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove habitats in the Philippines
Understanding the interconnectivity of organisms among different habitats is a key
requirement for generating effective management plans in coastal ecosystems, particularly …
requirement for generating effective management plans in coastal ecosystems, particularly …
Mangrove habitat use by juvenile reef fish: meta-analysis reveals that tidal regime matters more than biogeographic region
Identification of critical life-stage habitats is key to successful conservation efforts. Juveniles
of some species show great flexibility in habitat use while other species rely heavily on a …
of some species show great flexibility in habitat use while other species rely heavily on a …
Beyond the reef: The widespread use of non‐reef habitats by coral reef fishes
Marine ecology seeks to understand the factors that shape biological communities. Progress
towards this goal has been hampered by habitat‐centric approaches that ignore the …
towards this goal has been hampered by habitat‐centric approaches that ignore the …
Reassessing the nursery role of seagrass habitats from temperate to tropical regions: a meta-analysis
Identifying and protecting coastal nursery habitats is imperative as human impacts to these
areas accelerate. Nursery habitats support higher juvenile (1) density,(2) growth, or (3) …
areas accelerate. Nursery habitats support higher juvenile (1) density,(2) growth, or (3) …
Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in marine fishes (Siganus sutor, Lethrinus harak, and Rastrelliger kanagurta) from Dar es Salaam Tanzania
P Mziray, IA Kimirei - Regional studies in marine science, 2016 - Elsevier
Toxic metals that bioaccumulate and magnify along food chains are a concern to human
health worldwide. This study determined heavy metal concentrations in three commercial …
health worldwide. This study determined heavy metal concentrations in three commercial …