Measurement of the bound-electron g-factor difference in coupled ions
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is one of the most fundamental theories of physics and has
been shown to be in excellent agreement with experimental results,,,–. In particular …
been shown to be in excellent agreement with experimental results,,,–. In particular …
Charge radii of exotic neon and magnesium isotopes
We compute the charge radii and ground-state energies of even-mass neon and
magnesium isotopes from neutron number N= 8 to the dripline. Our calculations are based …
magnesium isotopes from neutron number N= 8 to the dripline. Our calculations are based …
Deformed in-medium similarity renormalization group
In the m-scheme Hartree-Fock (HF) basis, we have developed an ab initio deformed single-
reference in-medium similarity renormalization group (IMSRG) approach for open-shell …
reference in-medium similarity renormalization group (IMSRG) approach for open-shell …
Deuterium spectroscopy for enhanced bounds on physics beyond the standard model
We consider the impact of combining precision spectroscopic measurements made in
atomic hydrogen with similar measurements made in atomic deuterium on the search for …
atomic hydrogen with similar measurements made in atomic deuterium on the search for …
Probing new physics using Rydberg states of atomic hydrogen
We consider the role of high-lying Rydberg states of simple atomic systems such as H 1 in
setting constraints on physics beyond the standard model. We obtain highly accurate bound …
setting constraints on physics beyond the standard model. We obtain highly accurate bound …
Nuclear charge radii of Na isotopes: Interplay of atomic and nuclear theory
The accuracy of atomic theory calculations limits the extraction of nuclear charge radii from
isotope shift measurements of odd-proton nuclei. For Na isotopes, though precise …
isotope shift measurements of odd-proton nuclei. For Na isotopes, though precise …
Reconciling mean-squared radius differences in the silver chain through improved measurement and ab initio calculations
Nuclear charge radius differences in the silver isotopic chain have been reported through
different combinations of experiment and theory, exhibiting a tension of two combined …
different combinations of experiment and theory, exhibiting a tension of two combined …
Tin resonance-ionization schemes for atomic-and nuclear-structure studies
This paper presents high-precision spectroscopic measurements of atomic tin using five
different resonance-ionization schemes performed with the collinear resonance-ionization …
different resonance-ionization schemes performed with the collinear resonance-ionization …
Radii of mirror nuclei and isobaric triplets
B Ohayon - arxiv preprint arxiv:2409.08193, 2024 - arxiv.org
We present a review of absolute root-mean-square charge radii of stable nuclei up to $ Z=
32$, which includes a previously overlooked uncertainty in the combined analysis of muonic …
32$, which includes a previously overlooked uncertainty in the combined analysis of muonic …
Spectroscopic tests for short-range modifications of Newtonian and post-Newtonian potentials
There are theoretical frameworks, such as the large extra dimension models, which predict
the strengthening of the gravitational field in short distances. Here we obtain new empiric …
the strengthening of the gravitational field in short distances. Here we obtain new empiric …