[HTML][HTML] Tracing Holocene temperatures and human impact in a Greenlandic Lake: Novel insights from hyperspectral imaging and lipid biomarkers
Global warming particularly impacts terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the Arctic. To
constrain the sensitivity of Arctic lakes and make meaningful predictions about future change …
constrain the sensitivity of Arctic lakes and make meaningful predictions about future change …
Detecting ecological signatures of long-term human activity across an elevational gradient in the Šumava Mountains, Central Europe
Central European mountains, including the Šumava Mountains located along the
Czechia/Germany border, have a long and rich anthropogenic history. Yet, documenting …
Czechia/Germany border, have a long and rich anthropogenic history. Yet, documenting …
[HTML][HTML] Fine-Tuning of Sub-Annual Resolution Spectral Index Time Series from Eifel Maar Sediments, Western Germany, to the NGRIP δ18O Chronology, 26–60 ka
Recent technological advancements in spectral imaging core-scanning techniques have
proved to be a promising tool to study lake sediments at extremely high resolution. We used …
proved to be a promising tool to study lake sediments at extremely high resolution. We used …
[HTML][HTML] Chironomid-inferred summer temperature during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Black Forest, Central Europe
The location of Bergsee (382 m asl), between the Black Forest and northern Alpine glaciers
during their maximum extent of the Würm glaciation, makes the sediment record of this lake …
during their maximum extent of the Würm glaciation, makes the sediment record of this lake …
Large‐Volume Injection and Assessment of Reference Standards for n‐Alkane δD and δ13C Analysis via Gas Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Rationale Compound‐specific stable isotope analysis of hydrogen (δD) and carbon (δ13C)
in organic compounds is a valuable tool in biogeochemical research. A key limitation of this …
in organic compounds is a valuable tool in biogeochemical research. A key limitation of this …
A dual lake approach reveals the impact of Holocene oxygen availability and climate on molecular proxy records in the sub-Arctic
Ancient DNA and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) are new,
powerful tools to reconstruct past ecosystems and climate in high-latitude lakes, but often …
powerful tools to reconstruct past ecosystems and climate in high-latitude lakes, but often …