Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models and beyond: Window into non-Fermi liquids
This is a review of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model of compressible quantum many-
body systems without quasiparticle excitations, and its connections to various theoretical …
body systems without quasiparticle excitations, and its connections to various theoretical …
Still Mystery after All These Years —Unconventional Superconductivity of Sr2RuO4—
This review describes recent significant research developments made on the layered
perovskite Sr2RuO4 and discusses current issues from both experimental and theoretical …
perovskite Sr2RuO4 and discusses current issues from both experimental and theoretical …
Scicode: A research coding benchmark curated by scientists
Since language models (LMs) now outperform average humans on many challenging tasks,
it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop challenging, high-quality, and realistic …
it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop challenging, high-quality, and realistic …
On the engineering of higher-order Van Hove singularities in two dimensions
A Chandrasekaran, LC Rhodes, EA Morales… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
The properties of correlated electron materials are often intricately linked to Van Hove
singularities (VHS) in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. The class of these VHS is of great …
singularities (VHS) in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. The class of these VHS is of great …
Transport properties in non-Fermi liquid phases of nodal-point semimetals
In this review, we survey the current progress in computing transport properties in
semimetals which harbour non-Fermi liquid (NFL) phases. We first discuss the widely-used …
semimetals which harbour non-Fermi liquid (NFL) phases. We first discuss the widely-used …
Anomalous enhancement of the Nernst effect at the crossover between a Fermi liquid and a strange metal
Y Yang, Q Tao, Y Fang, G Tang, C Yao, X Yan… - Nature Physics, 2023 - nature.com
A strange-metal state appears in many strongly correlated materials, so understanding its
nature is a crucial problem in condensed matter physics. This knowledge could provide …
nature is a crucial problem in condensed matter physics. This knowledge could provide …
Electron-phonon hydrodynamics
We developed the theory of hydrodynamics of an isotropic Fermi liquid of electrons coupled
to isotropic acoustic phonons, assuming that umklapp processes may be neglected. At low …
to isotropic acoustic phonons, assuming that umklapp processes may be neglected. At low …
Good plasmons in a bad metal
Correlated metals may exhibit unusually high resistivity that increases linearly in
temperature, breaking through the Mott-Ioffe-Regel bound, above which coherent …
temperature, breaking through the Mott-Ioffe-Regel bound, above which coherent …
Charge conservation beyond uniformity: Spatially inhomogeneous electromagnetic response in periodic solids
Nonlinear electromagnetic response functions have reemerged as a crucial tool for studying
quantum materials, due to recently appreciated connections between optical response …
quantum materials, due to recently appreciated connections between optical response …
Internal consistency of multi-tier GW+EDMFT
The multi-tier GW+ EDMFT scheme is an ab-initio method for calculating the electronic
structure of correlated materials. While the approach is free from ad-hoc parameters, it …
structure of correlated materials. While the approach is free from ad-hoc parameters, it …