Shear banding of complex fluids
Even in simple geometries, many complex fluids display nontrivial flow fields, with regions
where shear is concentrated. The possibility for such shear banding has been known for …
where shear is concentrated. The possibility for such shear banding has been known for …
Stimuli-responsive viscosity modifiers
Stimuli responsive viscosity modifiers entail an important class of materials which allow for
smart material formation utilizing various stimuli for switching such as pH, temperature, light …
smart material formation utilizing various stimuli for switching such as pH, temperature, light …
Dynamics of entangled linear supramolecular chains with sticky side groups: Influence of hindered fluctuations
The design and effective application of supramolecular transient polymer networks based on
the assembly of entangled polymer building blocks requires not only precise description of …
the assembly of entangled polymer building blocks requires not only precise description of …
A slip-spring framework to study relaxation dynamics of entangled wormlike micelles with kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm
Abstract Hypothesis Wormlike micelles (WLMs) formed due to the self-assembly of
amphiphiles in aqueous solution have similar viscoelastic properties as polymers. Owing to …
amphiphiles in aqueous solution have similar viscoelastic properties as polymers. Owing to …
From well-entangled to partially-entangled wormlike micelles
We combine mechanical rheometry, diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS), and small angle
neutron scattering (SANS) with a simulation model, the “pointer algorithm”, to obtain …
neutron scattering (SANS) with a simulation model, the “pointer algorithm”, to obtain …
Validation and refinement of unified analytic model for flexible and semiflexible polymer melt entanglement
We combine molecular dynamics simulations and topological analyses (TA) to validate and
refine a recently proposed unified analytic model [Hoy, RS; Kröger, M. Phys. Rev. Lett …
refine a recently proposed unified analytic model [Hoy, RS; Kröger, M. Phys. Rev. Lett …
Multiscale modeling of the effects of salt and perfume raw materials on the rheological properties of commercial threadlike micellar solutions
We link micellar structures to their rheological properties for two surfactant body-wash
formulations at various concentrations of salts and perfume raw materials (PRMs) using …
formulations at various concentrations of salts and perfume raw materials (PRMs) using …
Estimation of microstructural properties of wormlike micelles via a multi-scale multi-recommendation batch bayesian optimization
Microstructural properties of wormlike micelles (WLMs), which are employed in
characterizing the system to predict rheological properties, have long been obtained via …
characterizing the system to predict rheological properties, have long been obtained via …
Evaluation of constitutive models for shear-banding wormlike micellar solutions in simple and complex flows
Wormlike micellar solutions possess complex rheology: when exposed to a flow field, the
wormlike micelles may orientate, stretch, and break into smaller micelles. Entangled …
wormlike micelles may orientate, stretch, and break into smaller micelles. Entangled …
Topology, length scales, and energetics of surfactant micelles
We study the morphology, energetics, and kinetics of a self-associating model cationic
surfactant in water using large-scale coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations over …
surfactant in water using large-scale coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations over …