A review of diagnostic techniques for high-intensity negative ion sources
K Tsumori, M Wada - Applied Physics Reviews, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
Plasma and beam diagnostic methods for high-current-density negative ion sources are
reviewed. The pulse laser–induced photodetachment method was widely used to measure …
reviewed. The pulse laser–induced photodetachment method was widely used to measure …
Extraction of volume‐produced H− ions from a multicusp source
KN Leung, KW Ehlers, M Bacal - Review of Scientific Instruments, 1983 - pubs.aip.org
H− ions formed by volume processes are extracted from a multicusp ion source. It is shown
that a permanent magnet filter together with a small positive bias voltage on the plasma grid …
that a permanent magnet filter together with a small positive bias voltage on the plasma grid …
Langmuir probe technique for plasma parameter measurement in a medium density discharge
MB Hopkins, WG Graham - Review of scientific instruments, 1986 - pubs.aip.org
The development of a microcomputer‐controlled electrostatic probe as a diagnostic
technique is described. The technique uses cylindrical probes and the definitive theory of …
technique is described. The technique uses cylindrical probes and the definitive theory of …
Vibrational excitation of D2 by low energy electrons
SJ Buckman, AV Phelps - The Journal of chemical physics, 1985 - pubs.aip.org
Excitation coefficients for the production of vibrationally exicted D2 by low energy electrons
have been determined from measurements of the intensity of infrared emission from …
have been determined from measurements of the intensity of infrared emission from …
Rovibrational molecular populations, atoms, and negative ions in H2 and D2 magnetic multicusp discharges
M Pealat, JPE Taran, M Bacal, F Hillion - The Journal of chemical …, 1985 - pubs.aip.org
Coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering is applied to the study of rovibrational populations
in magnetic multicusp H2 and D2 discharges. This subject is of interest to negative hydrogen …
in magnetic multicusp H2 and D2 discharges. This subject is of interest to negative hydrogen …
Generation of negative ions in tandem high‐density hydrogen discharges
JR Hiskes, AM Karo - Journal of applied physics, 1984 - pubs.aip.org
An optimized tandem two-chamber negative-ion source system is discussed. In the first
chamber high-energy (E> 20 eV) electron collisions provide for H2 vibrational excitation …
chamber high-energy (E> 20 eV) electron collisions provide for H2 vibrational excitation …
Dissociative attachment to rovibrationally excited
JM Wadehra - Physical Review A, 1984 - APS
Using a local-width resonant model, the cross sections for dissociative attachment of low-
energy electrons to a rovibrationally excited H 2 molecule in its ground electronic state are …
energy electrons to a rovibrationally excited H 2 molecule in its ground electronic state are …
Vibrational excitation and negative-ion production in magnetic multicusp hydrogen discharges
A self-consistent approach based on the simultaneous solution of the vibrational master
equation, the Boltzmann equation and the plasma chemistry describing the dissociation …
equation, the Boltzmann equation and the plasma chemistry describing the dissociation …
Diagnostics tools and methods for negative ion source plasmas, a review
K Tsumori, M Wada - New Journal of Physics, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
Plasma parameter measurements for negative hydrogen (H−) ion sources have been
playing an important role in clarifying fundamental physics related to negative ion production …
playing an important role in clarifying fundamental physics related to negative ion production …
Analysis of the H2 vibrational distribution in a hydrogen discharge
JR Hiskes, AM Karo - Applied physics letters, 1989 - pubs.aip.org
The H2 (v ″) vibrational distribution observed in a medium‐density hydrogen discharge is
analyzed in terms of standard collisional processes. All processes in the model are specified …
analyzed in terms of standard collisional processes. All processes in the model are specified …