Abelian combinatorics on words: A survey

G Fici, S Puzynina - Computer Science Review, 2023 - Elsevier
We survey known results and open problems in abelian combinatorics on words. Abelian
combinatorics on words is the extension to the commutative setting of the classical theory of …

[KNIHA][B] Formal languages, automata and numeration systems 1: Introduction to combinatorics on words

M Rigo - 2014 - books.google.com
Formal Languages, Automaton and Numeration Systems presents readers with a review of
research related to formal language theory, combinatorics on words or numeration systems …

[KNIHA][B] Formal Languages, Automata and Numeration Systems 2: Applications to Recognizability and Decidability

M Rigo - 2014 - books.google.com
The interplay between words, computability, algebra and arithmetic has now proved its
relevance and fruitfulness. Indeed, the cross-fertilization between formal logic and finite …

[HTML][HTML] Cyclic complexity of words

J Cassaigne, G Fici, M Sciortino, LQ Zamboni - Journal of Combinatorial …, 2017 - Elsevier
We introduce and study a complexity function on words cx (n), called cyclic complexity,
which counts the number of conjugacy classes of factors of length n of an infinite word x. We …

Abelian complexity of fixed point of morphism 0↦ 012, 1↦ 02, 2↦ 1

F Blanchet-Sadri, JD Currie, N Rampersad, N Fox - 2014 - winnspace.uwinnipeg.ca
We study the combinatorics of vtm, a variant of the Thue-Morse word generated by the non-
uniform morphism 0↦ 012, 1↦ 02, 2↦ 1 starting with 0. This infinite ternary sequence …

A new approach to the -regularity of the -abelian complexity of -automatic sequences

A Parreau, M Rigo, E Rowland… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2014 - arxiv.org
We prove that a sequence satisfying a certain symmetry property is $2 $-regular in the sense
of Allouche and Shallit, ie, the $\mathbb {Z} $-module generated by its $2 $-kernel is finitely …

Abelian complexity of Thue-Morse word over a ternary alphabet

I Kaboré, B Kientéga - … on Words: 11th International Conference, WORDS …, 2017 - Springer
Abelian Complexity of Thue-Morse Word over a Ternary Alphabet | SpringerLink Skip to main
content Advertisement Springer Nature Link Account Menu Find a journal Publish with us Track …

[HTML][HTML] Relations on words

M Rigo - Indagationes Mathematicae, 2017 - Elsevier
In the first part of this survey, we present classical notions arising in combinatorics on words:
growth function of a language, complexity function of an infinite word, pattern avoidance …

Abelian complexity function of the Tribonacci word

O Turek - arxiv preprint arxiv:1309.4810, 2013 - arxiv.org
According to a result of Richomme, Saari and Zamboni, the abelian complexity of the
Tribonacci word satisfies $\rho^{\mathrm {ab}}(n)\in\{3, 4, 5, 6, 7\} $ for each $ n\in\mathbb …

[HTML][HTML] Abelian antipowers in infinite words

G Fici, M Postic, M Silva - Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2019 - Elsevier
An abelian antipower of order k (or simply an abelian k-antipower) is a concatenation of k
consecutive words of the same length having pairwise distinct Parikh vectors. This definition …