Decomposition of geometric constraint systems: a survey
Significant progress has been accomplished during the past decades about geometric
constraint solving, in particular thanks to its applications in industrial fields like CAD and …
constraint solving, in particular thanks to its applications in industrial fields like CAD and …
A review on geometric constraint solving
This paper presents a comprehensive review of geometric constraint solving in parametric
computer-aided design (CAD), with the major focus on its advances in the last 15 years …
computer-aided design (CAD), with the major focus on its advances in the last 15 years …
[PDF][PDF] 几何约束求解研究综述
高小山, 蒋鲲 - 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2004 - mmrc.iss.ac.cn
摘要综述了几何约束求解的历史发展, 研究现状和应用= 对常见的# 类求解方法:
数值计算的方法, 符号计算的方法, 基于规则的方法, 基于图论的方法做了详细的介绍 …
数值计算的方法, 符号计算的方法, 基于规则的方法, 基于图论的方法做了详细的介绍 …
A C-tree decomposition algorithm for 2D and 3D geometric constraint solving
XS Gao, Q Lin, GF Zhang - Computer-Aided Design, 2006 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a method which can be used to decompose a 2D or 3D constraint
problem into a C-tree. With this decomposition, a geometric constraint problem can be …
problem into a C-tree. With this decomposition, a geometric constraint problem can be …
Variational B-rep model analysis for direct modeling using geometric perturbation
The very recent CAD paradigm of direct modeling gives rise to the need of processing 3D
geometric constraint systems defined on boundary representation (B-rep) models. The major …
geometric constraint systems defined on boundary representation (B-rep) models. The major …
Constraint-based beautification and dimensioning of 3D polyhedral models reconstructed from 2D sketches
HL Zou, YT Lee - Computer-Aided Design, 2007 - Elsevier
3D models reconstructed from 2D sketches are inaccurate because of the inherent
inaccuracies in the input and the reconstruction method. It is therefore necessary to …
inaccuracies in the input and the reconstruction method. It is therefore necessary to …
Variational direct modeling for computer-aided design
Z Qiang - 2019 - open.library.ubc.ca
This thesis presents a new computer-aided design (CAD) modeling approach for three-
dimensional objects. Improving CAD modeling efficiency has always been a central topic in …
dimensional objects. Improving CAD modeling efficiency has always been a central topic in …
Geometric constraint solving based on connectivity of graph
GF Zhang, XS Gao - Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
We propose a geometric constraint solving method based on connectivity analysis in graph
theory, which can be used to decompose a structurally well-constrained problem in 2D into …
theory, which can be used to decompose a structurally well-constrained problem in 2D into …
[PDF][PDF] Алгоритмы и программные системы для геометрических задач параметрического проектирования
АГ Ершов - 2007 - interval.ict.nsc.ru
Системы автоматизированного проектирования (далее–САПР) по праву считаются
одной из наиболее значимых для промышленности областей информатики. На …
одной из наиболее значимых для промышленности областей информатики. На …
Detecting all dependences in systems of geometric constraints using the witness method
D Michelucci, S Foufou - … Workshop on Automated Deduction in Geometry, 2006 - Springer
In geometric constraints solving, the detection of dependences and the decomposition of the
system into smaller subsystems are two important steps that characterize any solving …
system into smaller subsystems are two important steps that characterize any solving …