Attention mechanisms in computer vision: A survey
Humans can naturally and effectively find salient regions in complex scenes. Motivated by
this observation, attention mechanisms were introduced into computer vision with the aim of …
this observation, attention mechanisms were introduced into computer vision with the aim of …
Transreid: Transformer-based object re-identification
Extracting robust feature representation is one of the key challenges in object re-
identification (ReID). Although convolution neural network (CNN)-based methods have …
identification (ReID). Although convolution neural network (CNN)-based methods have …
Diverse part discovery: Occluded person re-identification with part-aware transformer
Occluded person re-identification (Re-ID) is a challenging task as persons are frequently
occluded by various obstacles or other persons, especially in the crowd scenario. To …
occluded by various obstacles or other persons, especially in the crowd scenario. To …
Counterfactual attention learning for fine-grained visual categorization and re-identification
Attention mechanism has demonstrated great potential in fine-grained visual recognition
tasks. In this paper, we present a counterfactual attention learning method to learn more …
tasks. In this paper, we present a counterfactual attention learning method to learn more …
Dynamic dual-attentive aggregation learning for visible-infrared person re-identification
Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) is a challenging cross-modality pedestrian
retrieval problem. Due to the large intra-class variations and cross-modality discrepancy with …
retrieval problem. Due to the large intra-class variations and cross-modality discrepancy with …
Nformer: Robust person re-identification with neighbor transformer
Person re-identification aims to retrieve persons in highly varying settings across different
cameras and scenarios, in which robust and discriminative representation learning is …
cameras and scenarios, in which robust and discriminative representation learning is …
Relation-aware global attention for person re-identification
For person re-identification (re-id), attention mechanisms have become attractive as they
aim at strengthening discriminative features and suppressing irrelevant ones, which …
aim at strengthening discriminative features and suppressing irrelevant ones, which …
Identity-guided human semantic parsing for person re-identification
Existing alignment-based methods have to employ the pre-trained human parsing models to
achieve the pixel-level alignment, and cannot identify the personal belongings (eg …
achieve the pixel-level alignment, and cannot identify the personal belongings (eg …
Feature refinement and filter network for person re-identification
In the task of person re-identification, the attention mechanism and fine-grained information
have been proved to be effective. However, it has been observed that models often focus on …
have been proved to be effective. However, it has been observed that models often focus on …