Ion dissociation in ionic liquids and ionic liquid solutions
O Nordness, JF Brennecke - Chemical Reviews, 2020 - ACS Publications
The extent to which cations and anions in ionic liquids (ILs) and ionic liquid solutions are
dissociated is of both fundamental scientific interest and practical importance because ion …
dissociated is of both fundamental scientific interest and practical importance because ion …
Structure and nanostructure in ionic liquids
Much of chemistry is concerned with the study of reactions and processes in solution, that is,
where liquids are used as solvents. 2, 3 The solvent is the (excess) liquid phase in which …
where liquids are used as solvents. 2, 3 The solvent is the (excess) liquid phase in which …
Probing molecular interaction in ionic liquids by low frequency spectroscopy: Coulomb energy, hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces
K Fumino, S Reimann, R Ludwig - Physical Chemistry Chemical …, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
Ionic liquids are defined as salts composed solely of ions with melting points below 100° C.
These remarkable liquids have unique and fascinating properties and offer new …
These remarkable liquids have unique and fascinating properties and offer new …
Quantum chemical modeling of hydrogen bonding in ionic liquids
PA Hunt - Ionic Liquids II, 2018 - Springer
Hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) is an important and very general phenomenon. H-bonding
is part of the basis of life in DNA, key in controlling the properties of water and ice, and …
is part of the basis of life in DNA, key in controlling the properties of water and ice, and …
Structural Motifs in Cold Ternary Ion Complexes of Hydroxyl-Functionalized Ionic Liquids: Isolating the Role of Cation–Cation Interactions
We address the competition between intermolecular forces underlying the recent
observation that ionic liquids (ILs) with a hydroxyl-functionalized cation can form domains …
observation that ionic liquids (ILs) with a hydroxyl-functionalized cation can form domains …
Understanding the ionic liquid [NC 4111][NTf 2] from individual building blocks: An IR-spectroscopic study
K Hanke, M Kaufmann, G Schwaab… - Physical Chemistry …, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
This study explores the interactions underlying the IR spectra of the ionic liquid
[NC4111][NTf2] and its deuterated isotopomer [d9-NC4111][NTf2] by first isolating the …
[NC4111][NTf2] and its deuterated isotopomer [d9-NC4111][NTf2] by first isolating the …
Infrared Spectroscopy in the Middle Frequency Range for Various Imidazolium Ionic Liquids—Common Spectroscopic Characteristics of Vibrational Modes with In-Plane +C(2) …
T Yamada, M Mizuno - ACS omega, 2021 - ACS Publications
Various alkyl-methylimidazolium ionic liquids (ILs) were inspected using infrared
spectroscopy in the middle frequency range. In the 1050–1200 cm–1 range, there is a …
spectroscopy in the middle frequency range. In the 1050–1200 cm–1 range, there is a …
Cooperatively enhanced hydrogen bonds in ionic liquids: closing the loop with molecular mimics of hydroxy-functionalized cations
We address the cooperative hydrogen bonding interactions in play between the ionic
constituents of ionic liquids (ILs) with particular attention to those involving the attractive …
constituents of ionic liquids (ILs) with particular attention to those involving the attractive …
Interaction between ionic liquid cation and water: infrared predissociation study of [bmim]+·(H 2 O) n clusters
The infrared predissociation spectra of [bmim]+·(H2O) n, n= 1–8, in the 2800–3800 cm− 1
region are presented and analyzed with the help of electronic structure calculations. The …
region are presented and analyzed with the help of electronic structure calculations. The …
Infrared Spectroscopy of Li+ Solvation in EmimBF4 and in Propylene Carbonate: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Experiment
Infrared (IR) spectra of solutions of the lithium salt LiBF4 in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-
methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EmimBF4) and in the organic solvent propylene …
methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EmimBF4) and in the organic solvent propylene …