A narrative review of immersive virtual reality's ergonomics and risks at the workplace: cybersickness, visual fatigue, muscular fatigue, acute stress, and mental …
This narrative review synthesizes and introduces 386 previous works about virtual reality-
induced symptoms and effects by focusing on cybersickness, visual fatigue, muscle fatigue …
induced symptoms and effects by focusing on cybersickness, visual fatigue, muscle fatigue …
[HTML][HTML] Virtual reality induced symptoms and effects: concerns, causes, assessment & mitigation
The utilization of commercially available virtual reality (VR) environments has increased
over the last decade. Motion sickness that is commonly reported while using VR devices is …
over the last decade. Motion sickness that is commonly reported while using VR devices is …
Predicting cybersickness using individual and task characteristics
The experience of cybersickness in virtual reality (VR) drastically differs between users,
likely due to variability in individual and task characteristics, leaving cybersickness as a …
likely due to variability in individual and task characteristics, leaving cybersickness as a …
Arguing in Favor of Revising the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire Factor Structure When Assessing Side Effects Induced by Immersions in Virtual Reality
Two issues are increasingly of interest in the scientific literature regarding unwanted virtual
reality (VR) induced side effects:(1) whether the latent structure of the Simulator Sickness …
reality (VR) induced side effects:(1) whether the latent structure of the Simulator Sickness …
[HTML][HTML] To sit or not to sit in vr: Analyzing influences and (dis) advantages of posture and embodied interaction
Virtual Reality (VR) users typically either sit or stand/walk when using VR; however, the
impact of this is little researched, and there is a lack of any broad or systematic analysis of …
impact of this is little researched, and there is a lack of any broad or systematic analysis of …
[HTML][HTML] Effectiveness and User Experience of Virtual Reality for Social Anxiety Disorder: Systematic Review
Background: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder that affects
occupational and social functioning. Virtual reality (VR) therapies can provide effective …
occupational and social functioning. Virtual reality (VR) therapies can provide effective …
Comparing cybersickness in virtual reality and mixed reality head-mounted displays
R Kirollos, W Merchant - Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Introduction: Defence Research and Development Canada is develo** guidance on the
use of Mixed Reality head-mounted displays for naval operations in the Royal Canadian …
use of Mixed Reality head-mounted displays for naval operations in the Royal Canadian …
[HTML][HTML] Driving simulation sickness and the sense of presence: Correlation and contributing factors
Driving simulators are useful and effective tools for conducting studies in the field of traffic
safety. Simulation sickness (SS) and the sense of presence (SP) are two well-known factors …
safety. Simulation sickness (SS) and the sense of presence (SP) are two well-known factors …
Virtual reality expands the toolkit for conducting health psychology research
Virtual reality (VR) has become a readily available consumer technology, strengthening its
promise as a research tool for health psychology. We identify five key strengths of VR‐based …
promise as a research tool for health psychology. We identify five key strengths of VR‐based …
Design guidelines for limiting and eliminating virtual reality-induced symptoms and effects at work: a comprehensive, factor-oriented review
Virtual reality (VR) can induce side effects known as virtual reality-induced symptoms and
effects (VRISE). To address this concern, we identify a literature-based listing of these …
effects (VRISE). To address this concern, we identify a literature-based listing of these …