Information processing at the speed of light
M AbuGhanem - Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2024 - Springer
In recent years, quantum computing has made significant strides, particularly in light-based
technology. The introduction of quantum photonic chips has ushered in an era marked by …
technology. The introduction of quantum photonic chips has ushered in an era marked by …
Environment-mediated charging process of quantum batteries
We study the charging process of open quantum batteries mediated by a common
dissipative environment in two different scenarios. In the first case, we consider a quantum …
dissipative environment in two different scenarios. In the first case, we consider a quantum …
Environment-mediated entropic uncertainty in charging quantum batteries
We studied the dynamics of entropic uncertainty in Markovian and non-Markovian systems
during the charging of open quantum batteries (QBs) mediated by a common dissipation …
during the charging of open quantum batteries (QBs) mediated by a common dissipation …
Energetic and entropic effects of bath-induced coherences
The unavoidable interaction of a quantum system with its surrounding environment (its bath)
is not always detrimental for quantum properties. For instance, under some specific …
is not always detrimental for quantum properties. For instance, under some specific …
Thermodynamics from indistinguishability: Mitigating and amplifying the effects of the bath
Rich quantum effects emerge when several quantum systems are indistinguishable from the
point of view of the bath they interact with. In particular, delocalized excitations …
point of view of the bath they interact with. In particular, delocalized excitations …
Non-Markovianity through quantum coherence in an all-optical setup
We propose an all-optical experiment to quantify non-Markovianity in an open quantum
system through quantum coherence of a single quantum bit. We use an amplitude dam** …
system through quantum coherence of a single quantum bit. We use an amplitude dam** …
Optical simulation of a quantum thermal machine
We introduce both a theoretical and an experimental scheme for simulating a quantum
thermal engine through an all-optical approach, with the behavior of the working substance …
thermal engine through an all-optical approach, with the behavior of the working substance …
Efficient quantum key distribution against collective noise using polarization and transverse spatial mode of photons
PL Guo, C Dong, Y He, F **g, WT He, BC Ren… - Optics …, 2020 - opg.optica.org
Channel noise is the main issue which reduces the efficiency of quantum communication.
Here we present an efficient scheme for quantum key distribution against collective-rotation …
Here we present an efficient scheme for quantum key distribution against collective-rotation …
Spin-orbit states
We propose an all-optical setup to produce a wide class of X states with an intense laser
beam using spin-orbit modes. In order to characterize such simulated states, we …
beam using spin-orbit modes. In order to characterize such simulated states, we …
Classical analog of quantum contextuality in spin-orbit laser modes
We experimentally observed the violation of Kujula–Dzhafarov noncontextuality inequalities
by nonseparable spin-orbit laser modes. Qubits are encoded on polarization and transverse …
by nonseparable spin-orbit laser modes. Qubits are encoded on polarization and transverse …