The carbon footprint of buildings: A review of methodologies and applications
The carbon emissions associated with the built environment represent the dominant fraction
of the total carbon footprint of society. As a result of the intense debate over how to address …
of the total carbon footprint of society. As a result of the intense debate over how to address …
European smart cities: The role of zero energy buildings
Abstract The European “Smart Cities & Communities Initiative” of the Strategic Energy
Technology Plan (SET-Plan) supports cities and regions in taking ambitious measures to …
Technology Plan (SET-Plan) supports cities and regions in taking ambitious measures to …
Spatial consumption-based carbon footprint assessments-A review of recent developments in the field
Consumption-based carbon footprint (CBCF) assessments have become increasingly
important in studying the drivers of climate change from a consumer perspective. A wide …
important in studying the drivers of climate change from a consumer perspective. A wide …
Celebrities, air travel, and social norms
S Gössling - Annals of Tourism Research, 2019 - Elsevier
The year 2018 saw the rise of a new global youth movement, Fridays for Future. The
organization underlines the importance of personal accountability for greenhouse gas …
organization underlines the importance of personal accountability for greenhouse gas …
Assessing the urban carbon footprint: An overview
All cities present environmental sustainability issues, above all regarding greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, and specifically carbon dioxide (CO 2), that directly affect climate change …
(GHG) emissions, and specifically carbon dioxide (CO 2), that directly affect climate change …
Energy analysis of the built environment—A review and outlook
JE Anderson, G Wulfhorst, W Lang - Renewable and Sustainable Energy …, 2015 - Elsevier
The built environment is responsible for significant use of final energy (62%) and is a major
source of greenhouse gas emissions (55%). Achieving environmental goals, including …
source of greenhouse gas emissions (55%). Achieving environmental goals, including …
[HTML][HTML] Household time use, carbon footprints, and urban form: a review of the potential contributions of everyday living to the 1.5 C climate target
Highlights•Urban and household economies of scale enable lower mobility and housing
emissions.•Household income drives total carbon footprints of consumption.• …
emissions.•Household income drives total carbon footprints of consumption.• …
Scope-based carbon footprint analysis of US residential and commercial buildings: An input–output hybrid life cycle assessment approach
Analyzing building related carbon emissions remains as one of the most increasing interests
in sustainability research. While majority of carbon footprint studies addressing buildings …
in sustainability research. While majority of carbon footprint studies addressing buildings …
The carbon footprint of Norwegian household consumption 1999–2012
Environmentally extended input‐output analysis is the prevailing method for national
environmental footprint accounting; however, its practical usefulness for consumers and …
environmental footprint accounting; however, its practical usefulness for consumers and …
Why do urbanites travel more than do others? A review of associations between urban form and long-distance leisure travel
Negative relationships between urban density and greenhouse gas emissions from daily
travel are well established in the literature. However, recent research suggests that higher …
travel are well established in the literature. However, recent research suggests that higher …