Towards a social network based approach for services composition
With the emergence of Web 2.0 and the related technologies, composing services has left
the traditional frontiers of enterprises. In fact, end-users need to use a certain kind of …
the traditional frontiers of enterprises. In fact, end-users need to use a certain kind of …
Engineering insights from an anthropocentric cyber-physical system: A case study for an assembly station
To effectively cope with the complexity of manufacturing control problems the cyber-physical
systems are engineered to work in the social space. Therefore the research in the field of …
systems are engineered to work in the social space. Therefore the research in the field of …
[CARTE][B] Modeling and mining of dynamic trust in complex service-oriented systems
The global scale and distribution of companies have changed the economy and dynamics of
businesses. Web-based collaborations and cross-organizational processes typically require …
businesses. Web-based collaborations and cross-organizational processes typically require …
Auction-based crowdsourcing supporting skill management
Crowdsourcing is a promising approach for enterprises to maintain a flexible workforce that
is able to solve parts of business processes formerly processed in-house. Companies …
is able to solve parts of business processes formerly processed in-house. Companies …
Modeling, enacting, and integrating custom crowdsourcing processes
Crowdsourcing (CS) is the outsourcing of a unit of work to a crowd of people via an open call
for contributions. Thanks to the availability of online CS platforms, such as Amazon …
for contributions. Thanks to the availability of online CS platforms, such as Amazon …
The social compute unit
Social computing is perceived mainly as a vehicle for establishing and maintaining private
relationships and thus lacks mainstream adoption in enterprises. Collaborative computing …
relationships and thus lacks mainstream adoption in enterprises. Collaborative computing …
[CARTE][B] Model-oriented systems engineering science: a unifying framework for traditional and complex systems
DW Hybertson - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Systems engineering (SE) is experiencing a significant expansion that encompasses
increasingly complex systems. However, a common body of knowledge on how to apply …
increasingly complex systems. However, a common body of knowledge on how to apply …
[CARTE][B] Service-oriented crowdsourcing: Architecture, protocols and algorithms
D Schall - 2012 - books.google.com
At a fundamental level, service-oriented crowdsourcing applies the principles of service-
oriented architecture (SOA) to the discovery, composition and selection of a scalable human …
oriented architecture (SOA) to the discovery, composition and selection of a scalable human …
Social machines: a unified paradigm to describe social web-oriented systems
Blending computational and social elements into software has gained significant attention in
key conferences and journals. In this context," Social Machines" appears as a promising …
key conferences and journals. In this context," Social Machines" appears as a promising …
[PDF][PDF] Object system layer
In diesem Papier erläutern wir einige Probleme der Komponierung, Konfiguration und
Adaptierung von heterogenen Software-Komponenten. Einige bekannte Pattern können …
Adaptierung von heterogenen Software-Komponenten. Einige bekannte Pattern können …